Schuylaar's Sesh - The Official Benghazi Wailing Wall Thread..

i just said that.

No I somehow don't think we are saying exactly the same thing, :)

- the DEMs narrative is, "our hands were tied" "we could not get the funding"


- the DEMs want to say this was about money when it was about covering up SOMETHING

The Select Committee knows what that SOMETHING is.

- CIA jail
- fake and flaky security cover by State
- put an Ambassador out on the limb (perhaps about those MANPAD systems the ISIL has now)
- ignore his alarm over the back fence and the attack on the British

And they still lie. I am watching my gal Hillary LIE about LYING,

What i am talking about is the petty point about funding that CIA jail as State Dept Security,
It was not funded and they did it anyway,

And they went ahead and did it under ruse, and very bad happened. We lost.

Then deer in the headlights, DO NOTHING.

Then lie about that for weeks to the People of the world, in fear of losing the election over such a screw up. Amateurs must be taught the lesson.

That is what I said.
I will make a prediction,

If this comes out, and it looks like it will, the Congress will turn PUB.

And if it is iron clad evidence, a true smoking gun, and bullet hole obvious, the USA will HAND the Presidency to Mitt Romney, just over fairness,

How would the DEMS like that? And if it happens it is well deserved, IMO.

In this country we are often free to reap what we sow.
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I will make a prediction,

If this comes out, and it looks like it will, the Congress will turn PUB.

And if it is bullet proof, smoking gun, bullet hole obvious, the USA will HAND the Presidency to Mitt Romney, just over fairness,

How would the DEMS like that? And if it happens it is well deserved, IMO.

In this country we are sometimes free to reap what we sow.

i hold as much faith in your prediction as i do in your analysis of what happened....

i wont hold my breath
I will make a prediction,

If this comes out, and it looks like it will, the Congress will turn PUB.

And if it is iron clad evidence, a true smoking gun, and bullet hole obvious, the USA will HAND the Presidency to Mitt Romney, just over fairness,

How would the DEMS like that? And if it happens it is well deserved, IMO.

In this country we are often free to reap what we sow.

didn't you predict the ACA wouldn't work?
didn't you predict the ACA wouldn't work?

Explain what you mean by "work." That it wouldn't get passed? Just because something is a law doesn't mean it actually works. Take anti-bullying laws that like 49 states have, or texting while driving laws. All bullshit. The aca has only worked to polarize a nation. A radical in the office making laws that polarize the people is doing no one any help at all, just lowering his poll #'s and looking worse as time goes on.

Face it, the fucking guy is a runaway train. Every god damn week there's a new story or he's done something more retarded than the last.
Explain what you mean by "work." That it wouldn't get passed? Just because something is a law doesn't mean it actually works. Take anti-bullying laws that like 49 states have, or texting while driving laws. All bullshit. The aca has only worked to polarize a nation. A radical in the office making laws that polarize the people is doing no one any help at all, just lowering his poll #'s and looking worse as time goes on.

Face it, the fucking guy is a runaway train. Every god damn week there's a new story or he's done something more retarded than the last.

shhhh! i'm trolling doer:wink:

it's funny how the racist dummy above just totally abandons his talking point about how hillary's book is doing once the evidence is put in his face of what a retarded, deluded idiot he is.

so, like a retarded deluded idiot is wont to do, he moves onto his next retarded, deluded, idiotic talking point. this one requires no words though, making it even more perfect for the retarded, deluded, idiot crowd to process through their diminutive skulls.

i don't think they realize what a sad statement they are making about themselves.
it's funny how the racist dummy above just totally abandons his talking point about how hillary's book is doing once the evidence is put in his face of what a retarded, deluded idiot he is.

so, like a retarded deluded idiot is wont to do, he moves onto his next retarded, deluded, idiotic talking point. this one requires no words though, making it even more perfect for the retarded, deluded, idiot crowd to process through their diminutive skulls.

i don't think they realize what a sad statement they are making about themselves.

nothing makes the republicans happy. they are the self-proclaimed "party of no".
it's funny how the racist dummy above just totally abandons his talking point about how hillary's book is doing once the evidence is put in his face of what a retarded, deluded idiot he is.

so, like a retarded deluded idiot is wont to do, he moves onto his next retarded, deluded, idiotic talking point. this one requires no words though, making it even more perfect for the retarded, deluded, idiot crowd to process through their diminutive skulls.

i don't think they realize what a sad statement they are making about themselves.
no correlation between cranial capacity and intelligence..............continue.
now ...........the holding capacity of a burlap sack, in relation to a certain mass of bovine dung, at least in this situation is relevant.