Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
A corrupt government, which includes Democrats, made it happen. You're delusional if you think only whitey righty is to blame. You clowns are every bit as much to blame.
Only a real sick troll would make up lies like this. In how many posts this year have youthe guy who thinks gays and blacks don't deserve access to the same goods and services as straight white people is calling us racist.
heavens to betsy, whatever shall we do?
Only a real sick troll would make up lies like this. In how many posts this year have you
spotted a racist? P.S please include your other screen names on top of the 55000 posts from this one...loser troll
what lie?
you were giddy with excitement about arizona's "ban the gays" bill, you exposed yourself as a bigot in no time flat.
and only one person smiled when americans died in benghazi:
That is pretty sick of you smiling over Benghazi deaths.
The Az law had nothing to do with skin color not to mention your other lies.
That is pretty sick of you smiling over Benghazi deaths. Do your lies and trolling ever stop?
The Az law was about protecting religion as the constitution provides for as well. It was not about gays. I also was not giddy about it. The racist comment just shows your straight out bullshit that so regularly is made up out of thin air by your sad trolling self.
Has your family tried to intervene with some counseling for your addiction?
I would recommend a long term treatment program for you which should include electrode shock therapy. You should call doctor phill. Seriously get some help for your race problem.
I am not a huge Romney fan either buck.
Now can we talk about your childhood issues?
You seem to be evading them, and you need to remember that
keeping trauma pent up inside wont work. Victims of sexual assault
and molestation need help.
I personally take your avoidance of the issue as a yes with regards to you being molested.
Now I understand your hate.
Stop using molestation as a crutch for your obvious ineptitude. You want to see what real hate looks like, follow some of BigotedNBushy's posts. (Clayton, Desert-dipshit, etc etc)