Schuylaar's Sesh - The Official Benghazi Wailing Wall Thread..

Sky if this was watergate and gowdy was a democrat you would get all creamy at his hard ass style.

You would have erotic dreams about him.

Henry Ruth, key Watergate Prosecutor. You want to have his baby, right?

Such a stud,
besides no watergate prosecutor could compare to that of a missing chromosome tea party member..actually i can see gowdy as a puritan, or perhaps sat in on spanish inquisition..if only burning people at the stake or pressing those to death were still allowed..oh the memories!!

EDIT: holy puritanical puritans, batman!..gowdy DOES come from puritan stock..i just googled it ..damn! maybe i'm a witch and recognized him..i have an eye for the puritan guy:wink:
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Mr. Chinless could be President one day, is what you really mean. This could be the perfect notoriety for him, right?

Sorry I made you gag, my Queen, but you know the gag reflex clinches that bottom muscle pore like a fist. I'm sure you know about it. :)

Here is one Liberal who sees what has changed.

The White House asked for this investigation by not telling the truth in the first place

"Diversion, subterfuge, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. ...Why aren't we talking about something else?" House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi complained last week.

Here's why: An e-mail has surfaced from a deputy national security adviser to Susan Rice on how to characterize the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on Sunday news programs. He advised Rice, then ambassador to the U.N., that her primary goal was to "underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy." The e-mail was redacted when the most-transparent-administration-in-history provided Benghazi documents to Congress earlier, but was found through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Democrats are furious that the House will hold a vote to create a select committee to investigate the administration's response to the attack in Libya that left four Americans dead. They know this won't end well.

Though White House officials say they were operating on the best intelligence available, they were willfully ignoring information that the attack was preplanned by groups with terrorist links, a fact that undermined President Obama's re-election claim that "al-Qaeda is on the run." Cherry-picking intelligence is a big no-no.

It took real effort for the White House to overlook the tsunami of evidence that contradicted its campaign talking points. Before Rice's appearances on Sept. 16, 2012, National Public Radio reported that Libya's president had told NPR that al-Qaeda was responsible for the "precalculated, preplanned attack." Former deputy CIA director Mike Morell testified last month, "Analysts said from the get-go that al-Qaeda was involved."

A former deputy chief of mission in Libya, Gregory Hicks, testified last year his "jaw dropped" when he watched Rice blame the video. Retired general Robert Lovell, on duty at U.S. Africa Command at the time, testified last week, "What we did know ... was that this was a hostile action … a terrorist attack." Last week, Fox News' Bret Baier asked former national security spokesman Tommy Vietor how the administration came up with its video tale. Vietor replied that there were "guys quoted in newspapers saying (the video is why) they were there." So much for operating on the best intelligence.

White House spokesman Jay Carney improbably claimed that the Rhodes advice was not "explicitly" about Benghazi but about protests throughout the Middle East. CNN'sJake Tapper called Carney's comments "dissembling, obfuscating and … insulting." He was being generous. Rice was dispatched to discuss Benghazi, which is why she was grilled about it on every show.

White House officials brought this House investigation on themselves. They could have avoided it by simply telling the truth. Unfortunately, that was too much to ask.
I'm watch the TV show, Salem. And apparently the witches were quite real.

So, it seems that the Puritans were out-bred with the Demons of the New World.

Makes sense to me, considering the Mayfair's and the Gowdy's, etc.
Are you kidding me, Wav?

Are you saying they brought this one on themselves by promising transparency and breaking all the truth saying they promised to restore...that they were lying from the get-go?

Ya don't say? Do tell more.

But, surely the President is a natural US citizen. They would never try a thing like that!
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"Though White House officials say they were operating on the best intelligence available, they were willfully ignoring information that the attack was preplanned by groups with terrorist links, a fact that undermined President Obama's re-election claim that "al-Qaeda is on the run." Cherry-picking intelligence is a big no-no."

It can be a High Crime.

Self bless the USA.
CNN'sJake Tapper called Carney's comments "dissembling, obfuscating and … insulting." He was being generous. Rice was dispatched to discuss Benghazi, which is why she was grilled about it on every show.


When Peter Jennings weighs in, the balloon goes up and a Special Treatment is called for.

The timing is Political of course, but the facts and the lies, in evidence, are real. Boner knew all along this is how the card must be played.

They already have the secret stuff they can't use, that tells of the real fuck up. They have been asking the Admin to come clean. They will not. This is the Process.

Prosecutors are for proving it to the People.
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I'm watch the TV show, Salem. And apparently the witches were quite real.

So, it seems that the Puritans were out-bred with the Demons of the New World.

Makes sense to me, considering the Mayfair's and the Gowdy's, etc.

yeah i've just started watching salem too..last episode i saw was the hanging.

EDIT: in reality though salem was all political and a bunch of women and a man who stood up to the puritans by not believing in their god..were relatively weathly and different..heretics maybe but not witches..nevertheless all political..what channel, day and time is it on again?
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In reality, we don't know.

The twirk in this show is that Witches were real and they were causing the political mayhem in Salem, through small but, powerful voodoo-like spells and such.

They were desperate to birth the New World Demons and could take no heat on themselves.
Here is one Liberal who sees what has changed.

The White House asked for this investigation by not telling the truth in the first place

"Diversion, subterfuge, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. ...Why aren't we talking about something else?" House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi complained last week.

Here's why: An e-mail has surfaced from a deputy national security adviser to Susan Rice on how to characterize the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on Sunday news programs. He advised Rice, then ambassador to the U.N., that her primary goal was to "underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy." The e-mail was redacted when the most-transparent-administration-in-history provided Benghazi documents to Congress earlier, but was found through a Freedom of Information Act request.

Democrats are furious that the House will hold a vote to create a select committee to investigate the administration's response to the attack in Libya that left four Americans dead. They know this won't end well.

Though White House officials say they were operating on the best intelligence available, they were willfully ignoring information that the attack was preplanned by groups with terrorist links, a fact that undermined President Obama's re-election claim that "al-Qaeda is on the run." Cherry-picking intelligence is a big no-no.

It took real effort for the White House to overlook the tsunami of evidence that contradicted its campaign talking points. Before Rice's appearances on Sept. 16, 2012, National Public Radio reported that Libya's president had told NPR that al-Qaeda was responsible for the "precalculated, preplanned attack." Former deputy CIA director Mike Morell testified last month, "Analysts said from the get-go that al-Qaeda was involved."

A former deputy chief of mission in Libya, Gregory Hicks, testified last year his "jaw dropped" when he watched Rice blame the video. Retired general Robert Lovell, on duty at U.S. Africa Command at the time, testified last week, "What we did know ... was that this was a hostile action … a terrorist attack." Last week, Fox News' Bret Baier asked former national security spokesman Tommy Vietor how the administration came up with its video tale. Vietor replied that there were "guys quoted in newspapers saying (the video is why) they were there." So much for operating on the best intelligence.

White House spokesman Jay Carney improbably claimed that the Rhodes advice was not "explicitly" about Benghazi but about protests throughout the Middle East. CNN'sJake Tapper called Carney's comments "dissembling, obfuscating and … insulting." He was being generous. Rice was dispatched to discuss Benghazi, which is why she was grilled about it on every show.

White House officials brought this House investigation on themselves. They could have avoided it by simply telling the truth. Unfortunately, that was too much to ask.

Who. The. Fuck. Cares.
Even IF (and that's a big "if") they intentionally tried to mislead and use disinformation. what? The right does that EVERY DAY! The only reason the left doesn't get all bent out of shape about it is because they cant keep track of all the lies, they're so numerous.