Schuylaar's Sesh - The Official Benghazi Wailing Wall Thread..

As opposed to what the current sitting one doing the same thing, or even keeping them there when he said he wouldn't?

I never said he was a hero, but he sure does seem to care about soldiers. Only point I was making. Whether you agree with his policies are one thing, but to make him sound like a finger painting retard is another.

His policies obviously shaped his form in some peoples eyes and that is fine, but you cannot deny he is a good man.

Sure I can. Him and his whole extended family have profited extensively through their inside knowledge from working in gov't.
2 unfinanced wars. His 2 terms were a disaster.
He couldn't pass a urine test. He failed in oil. He went to war unnecessarily. Failed as a president. Hell, his dad couldn't even get a 2nd term. Big fail.
Yep, he has also been spending a lot of time with wounded warriors inviting them to his house for dinners and taking them out on golf outings and such. He also rode for the wounded warriors 100k.

Yep to bad he is such a bad person right?

you realize those warriors wouldn't be wounded had the finger painting retard not sent them off to an unnecessary war of choice, right?

i'd like to see him invite the 4000+ dead soldiers from iraq over for dinner.

don't forget to cry about benghazi in the meantime either.
you realize those warriors wouldn't be wounded had the finger painting retard not sent them off to an unnecessary war of choice, right?

i'd like to see him invite the 4000+ dead soldiers from iraq over for dinner.

don't forget to cry about benghazi in the meantime either.
who gives a fuck when both sides are wrong. do you think it's ok for the govt. to fabricate the reasons that an attack happened?
I'd be willing to bet the treasonous actions of Democrats from about 2005 on resulted in about as many deaths as the invasion itself.
Benghazi to me is more symbolic of who they are than impeachment worthy. This is who we have leading the country, and the support for these actions is what it is.

Now to me, the real impeachment worthy thing is killing US citizens without due process. The proof Obama sited for taking out Alawaki was his correspondence with Hasan at Ft Hood. Then he declares Ft Hood a work place violence instead of terrorist act robbing the victims of the shooting proper survivor benefits. It's like a bad hollywood script.
So using a theory to try and pass it off as "Fact" doesn't seem exactly like a lie to you?

it would be worse if they used it as the basis for an unnecessary war that cost 4000+ american lives, rather than a talking point for a couple of weeks until the intelligence community said otherwise.

but some people tend to excuse the former and go apeshit over the latter for some reason.
it would be worse if they used it as the basis for an unnecessary war that cost 4000+ american lives, rather than a talking point for a couple of weeks until the intelligence community said otherwise.
Yep that would be worse, but it still doesn't make the 4 deaths we have go away does it? You can always find someone else to blame, but you can never make it go away.
it would be worse if they used it as the basis for an unnecessary war that cost 4000+ american lives, rather than a talking point for a couple of weeks until the intelligence community said otherwise.

but some people tend to excuse the former and go apeshit over the latter for some reason.
The only problem is if they wanted to prosecute over the Iraq war, the Democratic Congress persons who signed off on it would be there also.

Iraq was a Republican led bipartisan failure.

Benghazi is all on Mr O, and Lady Clinton.
it still doesn't make the 4 deaths we have go away

awww, poor child. so concerned about death from a terrorist attack under a president's watch.

i can name 3000+ american deaths that happened in a similar way.

and i can name about 4000+ more american deaths that happened due to "bad intelligence", although some might call it a conceited pursuit of bad intelligence covered up very nicely.

still, those 7000+ americans are dead, and you righties never seem to give a shit. some of you guys even say it was a good idea and necessary, we had to do it before they did it to us.

i just laugh at the bare hypocrisy.