Schuylaar's Sesh - The Smart Gun Is Already Here Read It And Weep..

Wtf are you even talking about? You know nothing. Keep making shit up to try to make yourself look better though. Keep insulting Jews as well. I'm sure it goes a long way with your sad little internet crush. The fact that you seek an E-affair says a lot about you. Desperate much?

low blood sugar? was the store all out of double chocolate fudge cake this morning?

jam a few twinkies into that sugar and fat receptacle of yours and chill the fuck out.
low blood sugar? was the store all out of double chocolate fudge cake this morning?

jam a few twinkies into that sugar and fat receptacle of yours and chill the fuck out.

Members who purport to be male, but have arms like seven year old schoolgirls, shouldn't ridicule ANYONE'S physical appearance. Does your wife open your pickle jars for you? I bet she does.
where do you even get that from? my ex-husband and i are EQUALLY responsible for our children..he had them for a short period of time in which i paid child support in order to re-start my career after being a mini-van mom shuttling them to private christian school (and volunteering at same) for 11 years..child support is preferable to a fire:fire:
I see you're still working on restarting your imaginary "career". Paying child support out of your welfare check, yeah.
I have always wonder how that temporay custody thing tuned into "lost her children."

But, then I considered the source, :)
The source is her previous posts. She never got them back. Never restarted her career. Refuses to work. Probably never paid a dime in child support.
You crack me up.

An E-affair? Is that different from a V-affair or an OL-affair? What do mean by desperate in this context?

She's divorced and here all day so she's obvious alone and lonely. Based on her intelligence it's easy to understand why.

Desperate as in, she rides Buck's nuts so she can feel as if someone cares about her. She's desperate to be loved by anyone. Buck's an easy mark because he is as stupid as she is. They actually make a really good couple. Though I often think they are the same person. I think she is his puppet account. Their writing style is the same and they are always online at the same time.

An ‘e-motional’ affair is just a click away =====>
That is very interesting. I didn't know about e-affair. I thought that might be E for Electronic,

So, an emotional affair? Are friends e-affair? I mean it is rarely a p-affair.

As for the rest of that stuff, how come I am suppose to believe you are not just some pimply adolescent male, e-lurcker, with a #2 pencil, hard on?

And I will grant that all may not be as it seems. But, if Buck was going to put in that kind of work for absolutely nothing, then I can easliy see that you, also, are Buck.

Ain't he something? The awesome power to make us believe he is the only one here.

Now, I'm beginning to wonder about myself. Maybe I have been Buck all along?

No. Not worthy. No way. I have tried to live up and fallen only to get up and try again. :)
She's divorced and here all day so she's obvious alone and lonely. Based on her intelligence it's easy to understand why.

Desperate as in, she rides Buck's nuts so she can feel as if someone cares about her. She's desperate to be loved by anyone. Buck's an easy mark because he is as stupid as she is. They actually make a really good couple. Though I often think they are the same person. I think she is his puppet account. Their writing style is the same and they are always online at the same time.

An ‘e-motional’ affair is just a click away =====>
I think youre being a little bitch about this.

Disagree with her political leanings or whatever (as I do, fairly consistently) but she's a genuinely nice person behind it all.

Trolling is one thing, just being a cunt is another.
That is very interesting. I didn't know about e-affair. I thought that might be E for Electronic,

So, an emotional affair? Are friends e-affair? I mean it is rarely a p-affair.

As for the rest of that stuff, how come I am suppose to believe you are not just some pimply adolescent male, e-lurcker, with a #2 pencil, hard on?

And I will grant that all may not be as it seems. But, if Buck was going to put in that kind of work for absolutely nothing, then I can easliy see that you, also, are Buck.

Ain't he something? The awesome power to make us believe he is the only one here.

Now, I'm beginning to wonder about myself. Maybe I have been Buck all along?

No. Not worthy. No way. I have tried to live up and fallen only to get up and try again. :)

A whole army of little Bucks. Chatting away with themselves all day.
I think youre being a little bitch about this.

Disagree with her political leanings or whatever (as I do, fairly consistently) but she's a genuinely nice person behind it all.

Trolling is one thing, just being a cunt is another.

She insults me because she feels I am overweight, amongst other things. That is not what "genuinely nice" people do. She does it simply to follow along with Uncle Buck. She is trying to be impressive. It's shallow and rude.

I'm glad you took the time to think about me. That's really sweet. :hug: