Schuylaar's Sesh - The Smart Gun Is Already Here Read It And Weep..

Since you can see the same commercial 100 times in a day, must mean you are watching TV all of your waking life, probably leave it on when you sleep too. A perfect little android being programmed day after day what to think and feel.

If you don't watch TV you are not part of the American Experience.

It is the only culture we have.
I have been with too many women over my life to be smitten by anyone. Been married twice, been proposed to 11 times. Life has been a great adventure. I have few regrets.

That is just sad....for you...not me. I can be multi-smitten and I like it.
If you don't watch TV you are not part of the American Experience.

It is the only culture we have.
Watching television doesn't make you a part of anything, and if you feel you are a part of something when you are watching then you are succumbing to it's siren song. You see, that is the whole secret behind propaganda, making you feel as if YOU are an important part of the message, when really all they want is your silent obedience to the message. The most vocal who bring this to people's attention are carefully removed from the scene. The emperor really does not have any clothes on.

I grew up on television, it was my babysitter, my friend, its glowing tubes were warm and inviting and its hum was like a mother's cooing. Even after we graduated to solid state and color TV, it was my ever present buddy. He told me of all the great adventures I could have, and all I had to do was immerse myself in all its electronic glory and soak in the cheetos and soft drinks all the while fighting pirates and skeletons or meeting the most beautiful women in the world, yep TV was just awesome. Then I joined the Marines and went to other countries and found out the truth of it all, TV was a big fucking lie. The idiot box, and that means all those people who make TV a ritualistic part of their day are the ignorant masses, the idiots.

Oh sure, you can learn some things from TV, but every 12 minutes the program is interrupted by the most blatant greed driven capitalism run amok commercials and News talk shows designed to do nothing but elicit an emotional response designed to divide and conquer the idiots that watch it all in the first place.

I could go on, but I am sure some awesome TV show is about to start and I wouldn't want you to miss out on who shot JR.
You cannot observe this culture in any other way. Now if you get sucked in, that's on you.

- if you think it is not unfettered learning by deep rejection of bs
- if you think it is not cow cud chewing, think dropout
- not massive propaganda of marketing
- not alignment of social values thru sit-com
- not an all hands on deck alert system
- not our main weapon for socializing the feral beasts that come here
- not a window, though dirty, to our world

Then go play. Have the powers have their way and know not what to look up for yourself...

Go play. The 9th Amendment say you never even have to get of bed if you can swing it.
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Watching television doesn't make you a part of anything, and if you feel you are a part of something when you are watching then you are succumbing to it's siren song. You see, that is the whole secret behind propaganda, making you feel as if YOU are an important part of the message, when really all they want is your silent obedience to the message. The most vocal who bring this to people's attention are carefully removed from the scene. The emperor really does not have any clothes on.

I grew up on television, it was my babysitter, my friend, its glowing tubes were warm and inviting and its hum was like a mother's cooing. Even after we graduated to solid state and color TV, it was my ever present buddy. He told me of all the great adventures I could have, and all I had to do was immerse myself in all its electronic glory and soak in the cheetos and soft drinks all the while fighting pirates and skeletons or meeting the most beautiful women in the world, yep TV was just awesome. Then I joined the Marines and went to other countries and found out the truth of it all, TV was a big fucking lie. The idiot box, and that means all those people who make TV a ritualistic part of their day are the ignorant masses, the idiots.

Oh sure, you can learn some things from TV, but every 12 minutes the program is interrupted by the most blatant greed driven capitalism run amok commercials and News talk shows designed to do nothing but elicit an emotional response designed to divide and conquer the idiots that watch it all in the first place.

I could go on, but I am sure some awesome TV show is about to start and I wouldn't want you to miss out on who shot JR.
Television is for fictitious programming.

Any expectation otherwise is folly.
The children ARE ADULTS!! Sky is an Adult Woman talking some College Credit for a career move.

And FL is full of strange practices. I'm "from" there, Fort Walton Beach, though born and raised in TX.

FL has the only no-cap homestead exemption, I believe. You can load your place up with art and cars and gold, and it is all protected.

If they de-crim the pot, I may well move back. It is a great Retirement Zone if you love warm ocean, No warm ocean anywhere near where I live.
Maybe you can move in with Schuylaar. That gives me an idea for a sit-com.
Watching television doesn't make you a part of anything, and if you feel you are a part of something when you are watching then you are succumbing to it's siren song. You see, that is the whole secret behind propaganda, making you feel as if YOU are an important part of the message, when really all they want is your silent obedience to the message. The most vocal who bring this to people's attention are carefully removed from the scene. The emperor really does not have any clothes on.

I grew up on television, it was my babysitter, my friend, its glowing tubes were warm and inviting and its hum was like a mother's cooing. Even after we graduated to solid state and color TV, it was my ever present buddy. He told me of all the great adventures I could have, and all I had to do was immerse myself in all its electronic glory and soak in the cheetos and soft drinks all the while fighting pirates and skeletons or meeting the most beautiful women in the world, yep TV was just awesome. Then I joined the Marines and went to other countries and found out the truth of it all, TV was a big fucking lie. The idiot box, and that means all those people who make TV a ritualistic part of their day are the ignorant masses, the idiots.

Oh sure, you can learn some things from TV, but every 12 minutes the program is interrupted by the most blatant greed driven capitalism run amok commercials and News talk shows designed to do nothing but elicit an emotional response designed to divide and conquer the idiots that watch it all in the first place.

I could go on, but I am sure some awesome TV show is about to start and I wouldn't want you to miss out on who shot JR.

and you're telling us this, why?