Schuylaar's Sesh - Times Are A Changin'..


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Liz Cheney Quits Wyoming Senate Race

WASHINGTON — Liz Cheney announced early Monday morning that she is withdrawing from the Wyoming Republican Senate primary, bringing an abrupt end to her unsteady challenge to the incumbent, Michael B. Enzi.
“Serious health issues have recently arisen in our family, and under the circumstances, I have decided to discontinue my campaign,” Ms. Cheney said in a statement. “My children and their futures were the motivation for our campaign and their health and well-being will always be my overriding priority.”
She added, “As a mother and a patriot, I know that the work of defending freedom and protecting liberty must continue for each generation. Though this campaign stops today, my commitment to keep fighting with you and your families for the fundamental values that have made this nation and Wyoming great will never stop.”

Ms. Cheney wrote in an email that she would not say anything further on Monday about the nature of the health issue.
Since Ms. Cheney, 47, the former vice president’s elder daughter, declared her candidacy in July against Mr. Enzi — a well-liked, three-term Senate veteran —she not only never found traction but also wound up causing deep rifts among longtime friends and even within her own family.
Her task was always going to be difficult. Unlike some of the other sitting Republican senators who have been challenged in primaries in recent years, Mr. Enzi has a solidly conservative voting record and did not present the sort of vulnerabilities Ms. Cheney could exploit. But Ms. Cheney never was able to focus much on her opponent, spending much of her five-month candidacy fending off distractions to her campaign.
Having relocated from suburban Washington to the Jackson Hole area in 2012, she faced relentless questions about her residency and why she would move to the state her father once represented in Congress and almost immediately begin running for office against an incumbent. Longtime friends of the Cheney family in Wyoming, including former Senator Alan K. Simpson, fretted publicly about such a divisive primary. His open expressions of concern prompted a private rebuke from Liz Cheney’s mother, Lynne, who told him to “shut up,” according to Mr. Simpson.
The perception of Liz Cheney as a carpetbagger was compounded when it was revealed this summer in the Wyoming news media that she had sought a fishing license — a rite of passage in the state — by claiming on her application to be a 10-year resident.
Not long after the fishing flap, at the start of Labor Day weekend, Ms. Cheney declared her opposition to same-sex marriage and drew the ire of her younger sister, Mary, who is a lesbian. Soon after, a third-party conservative group began airing ads in Wyoming’s inexpensive television markets portraying Liz Cheney as supportive of gay rights. And when she reaffirmed her opposition to same-sex marriage in a November television appearance, Liz Cheney was criticized again by her sister as well as Mary Cheney’s spouse, Heather Poe.
Further, in an interview with The New York Times, Mary Cheney revealed that she had not spoken to her sister in months and that they would not be spending the holidays together. That prompted Dick and Lynne Cheney to issue a statement, which seemed to take Liz’s side in the dispute, affirming that their elder daughter was in fact opposed to same-sex marriage.
Liz Cheney, thanks to some help from her father, had raised $1 million for her campaign in the first months of her candidacy, allowing her to air a pair of introductory television ads that emphasized her family’s deep roots in Wyoming. A “super PAC” supporting Ms. Cheney was also set up and began to raise money.
By the start of the new year, the state was bracing for an unprecedented primary clash. Sunday’s Casper Star-Tribune, the most influential paper in the state, carried a front-page story with a headline that read: “Expect More Cheney-Enzi Drama.”

Ms. Cheney’s sudden withdrawal, first reported Sunday by CNN, was indeed dramatic — as much of the short-lived campaign had been. But not for reasons she or her parents would have liked. A campaign meant to carry on the Cheney banner of pugnacious conservatism, especially on national security, offered a vivid reminder about the limitations of transferring political power.
how sad this thread with "news" can be viewed with no comment by the same who "comment" on completely useless threads..woooooops!
Well if I said... Who cares? Would it satisfy your narcissistic need to be noticed?

not at all however, i believe this is a tad more newsworthy over current posted and if you're gonna make the journey to this thread to vote..why not leave a comment?
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This is a clear demonstration of a typical liberal. The reason they are cheering is she is a Cheney. When liberals take on a cause you are either for them or against them. If you are against them then you and your family must be destroyed.

They carry on the policy of personal attacks, derision and destruction. Another perfect example is George Zimmerman. He has been accused, tried, convicted and sentenced by the liberals who conveniently missed that he was acquitted by a jury of his peers.

If Chelsea Clinton had decided to not continue to run for office there probably would not have even been an article and if their had it would likely have been blamed on George Bush.

So thanks for a vivid example of how the left can never let anything go...
You want a comment?

This is a clear demonstration of a typical liberal. The reason they are cheering is she is a Cheney. When liberals take on a cause you are either for them or against them. If you are against them then you and your family must be destroyed.

They carry on the policy of personal attacks, derision and destruction. Another perfect example is George Zimmerman. He has been accused, tried, convicted and sentenced by the liberals who conveniently missed that he was acquitted by a jury of his peers.

If Chelsea Clinton had decided to not continue to run for office there probably would not have even been an article and if their had it would likely have been blamed on George Bush.

So thanks for a vivid example of how the left can never let anything go...

this has nothing to do with letting go..and while i'm not bucky, i don't have history with you.

george zimmerman is a perfect are correct..while acquitted, he has demonstrably exhibited his poor judgement involving weapons and john q. citizen over and over, he is the menace to society he is portrayed as..fate is not finished with george zimmerman.
And yet you still continue to do it...

i didn't bring up GZ, just responding to the post however, when he loses it totally, i'll be here to say "i told you so" that shelley zimmerman had given us more insight to the evening that TM lost his life..GZ and SZ had a fight and she left which is why she wasn't at home when police tried to get in touch with her..GZ walks around with a gun, he shops for his lunches at target with a gun, everything he does he has his gun on his person or very nearby..has a very short fuse and TM was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

and you know Anti, i'm kind of shocked because you as well as i know in texas (the wild west state), you can't go everywhere with a gun..
LIz Cheny? Isn't she that one that lied about her fishing license? UN-forgivable. Did you somehow see here as a threat?

just the way she bulldozed herself in and thought because of her name she could take in the best, most satisfying way i could possibly imagine.
Tore her family apart but she is resigning in the interest of family

Either that or she saw the handwriting on the wall of her eminent downfall
i didn't bring up GZ, just responding to the post however, when he loses it totally, i'll be here to say "i told you so" that shelley zimmerman had given us more insight to the evening that TM lost his life..GZ and SZ had a fight and she left which is why she wasn't at home when police tried to get in touch with her..GZ walks around with a gun, he shops for his lunches at target with a gun, everything he does he has his gun on his person or very nearby..has a very short fuse and TM was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

and you know Anti, i'm kind of shocked because you as well as i know in texas (the wild west state), you can't go everywhere with a gun..

You believe a convicted liar over an acquitted man. Not all that surprised.

And no you aren't supposed to, but he happens to actually need it with all the death threats that have been thrown his way.