Schuylaar's Sesh - Times Are A Changin'..

i didn't bring up GZ, just responding to the post however, when he loses it totally, i'll be here to say "i told you so" that shelley zimmerman had given us more insight to the evening that TM lost his life..GZ and SZ had a fight and she left which is why she wasn't at home when police tried to get in touch with her..GZ walks around with a gun, he shops for his lunches at target with a gun, everything he does he has his gun on his person or very nearby..has a very short fuse and TM was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

and you know Anti, i'm kind of shocked because you as well as i know in texas (the wild west state), you can't go everywhere with a gun..

Thanks for completely reinforcing my point....
Well, nothing is wrong with a moo moo if it can hold two.

Plenty of room for little Sky, in a 2 moo. Or even a 1/10 moo, for that matter.
this has nothing to do with letting go..and while i'm not bucky, i don't have history with you.

george zimmerman is a perfect are correct..while acquitted, he has demonstrably exhibited his poor judgement involving weapons and john q. citizen over and over, he is the menace to society he is portrayed as..fate is not finished with george zimmerman.
I bet George isn't lying to get health insurance. you're worse than him