Schwag vs. Chronic


Well-Known Member
I cant remember if it is the new high times or cannabis culture but they did a couple page right up on this exact topic.


Im definatly growing some swag, thats all we get in good ol NC even tho were close to the mountains and could get some KB but its too damn expensive... But anways im growing some swag and imma take great care of my plants and see how they turn out, if all is well im def buying some good seeds online and growing them for my pleasure, no more paying 35-50 for an 1/8.:bigjoint:

welfare train

Active Member
I'm in the process of flowering a seed that I got from some gross brick weed (got me high but tasted/looked like shit). It's looking great so far, check out my grow log in my sig.


Well-Known Member
That was going to be my next point exactly constantgardener. I have always wondered if you were to take some SHIT weed, pull some seeds and grow it with the upmost care, what you would end up with. This is an experiment that I am very curious about and have been for a quite some time. If anyone has tried something like this I'd really like to hear how that turned out. Thanks for the feedback, I figured those factors put together would be the reason for schwag; but, I'd still like to hear if anyone has ever tried growing from shit.

MY D.I.Y. is some shitty bag seed, look at it now!


Well-Known Member
Im definatly growing some swag, thats all we get in good ol NC even tho were close to the mountains and could get some KB but its too damn expensive... But anways im growing some swag and imma take great care of my plants and see how they turn out, if all is well im def buying some good seeds online and growing them for my pleasure, no more paying 35-50 for an 1/8.:bigjoint:
I wish and 1/8th was that cheap here!


i just went out and bought $10 worth of stuff I wouldn't even call shwag for this experiment... it honestly doesnt even smell like anything close to weed to me.

it smells like some foul type of chemical and it is completely brown

I honestly probably wont even smoke any of it just because I know what this type of weed does.. It just gives you a headache.

Though one problem with this type of crap is that the last time I tried this I couldn't even get one seed to germinate. [even though it is mostly seeds ;) ].

hahahaha, you don't even want me to take a pic of it =).


New Member
honestly ive gotten shit weed that turned out to just be from less potent clones and gotten seeds that grow 10 feet from all depends on the care you give them and also what you give them nutrient wise....


Active Member
attached pics are some mids, better then swag but not as good as chronic. But its seedy as hell. Awhile after my father found out i smoked he told me to get some seeds so my buddy had a whole bunch(from Idaho, Arizona and Cali). I actually just asked my pops to bring me some of those seeds so i can start a few inside and grow them correctly and see how they turn out.



Im definatly growing some swag, thats all we get in good ol NC even tho were close to the mountains and could get some KB but its too damn expensive... But anways im growing some swag and imma take great care of my plants and see how they turn out, if all is well im def buying some good seeds online and growing them for my pleasure, no more paying 35-50 for an 1/8.:bigjoint:
we pay 75 1/8 for mid here


Well-Known Member
:owow thats crazy, you are paying triple the value
Yeah that's really high i can get an 1/8 of mids which is a alittle over a dime of schwagg for 15 bucks... I'm growing some schwagg too and it is looking great. I'm really excited to smoke this shit :hump:


Active Member
Yeah that's really high i can get an 1/8 of mids which is a alittle over a dime of schwagg for 15 bucks... I'm growing some schwagg too and it is looking great. I'm really excited to smoke this shit :hump:
how is an 8th a lil over a dime?

an 8th is 3and a half grams,and an 8th of mids cost 30 in nyc...real talk,a quarter(7 grams) of shwag costs 25 out here too...its a gift an a curse really,on one hand,shit is cheap out here on the other hand its because its not great by any stretch(it is good tho)but to each his own,thats why we all grow


Well-Known Member
how is an 8th a lil over a dime?

an 8th is 3and a half grams,and an 8th of mids cost 30 in nyc...real talk,a quarter(7 grams) of shwag costs 25 out here too...its a gift an a curse really,on one hand,shit is cheap out here on the other hand its because its not great by any stretch(it is good tho)but to each his own,thats why we all grow
Alright well the dimes i get are 3.7 and the eighths are usually weighed at 3.5 so a little under not over ** For 25 out here it's about 14.5 grams of schwagg

And yeah thats why i grow to avoid the daily struggle to stay high haha

take it easy bro


Active Member
Alright well the dimes i get are 3.7 and the eighths are usually weighed at 3.5 so a little under not over ** For 25 out here it's about 14.5 grams of schwagg

And yeah thats why i grow to avoid the daily struggle to stay high haha

take it easy bro

peace my man:hump:
i started with random seeds that looked good from a sack of seedy ass schwag lol. it was my first ever crop and dude it came out great, potentialy some of the best smokes i had two summers ago. more power to the curious tokers who try their hand at growing some bagseeds. its free, use some cfls and you could have some choise buds for a low price. just from my life experience it ended up being worth it.