Schwazzing advice needed


Hi everyone,
First ever grow and have had a crack at schwazzing. I've had a few problems with grow along the way but managed to survive . I'm a bit wary of removing too many leaves and stuffing the whole show up. I've removed a few leaves along the way and I've just done my biggest removal yet. I'm midway through the 3rd week of 12/12. Would someone comment on the pics and advise me if I've taken too much or not enough. It'd be nice to hear "just right". :-))) Thank you.IMG_0848.JPGIMG_0850.JPGIMG_0852.JPGIMG_0852.JPG
I defoliate or swhazz on a regular basis, BUT it’s only beneficial if your canopy is so full you can’t get light and air otherwise. If your canopy isn’t that full which it doesn’t look to be, then it’s best to just remove some of the inside leaves that are shading stuff, but don’t go crazy with it.
Sorry Jenko, Gave you a bum steer. The light you can see in the pic is just a work bench light I use when working on my plant, among other things.The Mars Hydro is in the tent where I took the photo of the plant from above.
Nothing wrong with removing a few of the larger fan leaves to help light and air circulation. I pull some and tuck others.

Your plant looks good now...I would wait again until after the stretch to pull/tuck a few more....maybe day 28.
The main reason I remove leaves is to improve air circulation under the canopy, yours looks good right now.
I was a bit apprehensive of taking off too many leaves for fear of destroying the plant. I've made a lot of mistakes to this stage but I guess it's all part of the learning curve. Instead of calling it "Schwazzing" I'll call it a "light defoliation" :-))) Of course I was looking for the highest yield I could get but not to the detriment of the plant in general. I think I'll take the advice of other posters and leave it pretty much alone. Perhaps just a bit of tuck but not much nip. Thanks everyone, appreciate your help.
Do I need to remove more leaves from this plant? It's been 4 weeks since I flipped to 12/12. I'm not sure what to do. Thanks.
Defoliate I can live with, Schwazzing sounds fucking ridiculous.
I can't believe removing leafs has become regarded as a technique with a trendy name... eh wtf happened?