Schwazzing advice needed

Defoliate I can live with, Schwazzing sounds fucking ridiculous.
I can't believe removing leafs has become regarded as a technique with a trendy name... eh wtf happened?
It's not just defoliating, it's also taking bud sites off on the bottoms of the colas so that they start higher on the branch. It actually worked for me during my last cycle. I got a better than average yield and almost no larf whatsoever.
It's not just defoliating, it's also taking bud sites off on the bottoms of the colas so that they start higher on the branch. It actually worked for me during my last cycle. I got a better than average yield and almost no larf whatsoever.
I find there's usually a few leafs and some lower growth that does need removing, it's the version of removing 50+% of leafs purely for the sake of removing them I can't get my head around?
I find there's usually a few leafs and some lower growth that does need removing, it's the version of removing 50+% of leafs purely for the sake of removing them I can't get my head around?
When you remove the leaves you get a smaller version that regrows, taking up less canopy. Plus you're opening up tons of airflow and light. I pruned almost every leaf along with the bud sites up to the tips. Then I let it all regrow, and on some of the plants tight buds formed well below the scrog. I've always defoliated lightly to moderately, and thought I may have destroyed them, but they came back furious.

This time I did the opposite. I lollipopped them, but hardly defoliated and didn't pluck any bud sites. I inspected the plants yesterday and there was tons of lime green larfy buds hiding out under the leaves. It made me concerned about bud rot, so I defoliated a bunch even though they are 7 weeks from the flip. I didn't go too hard because they are so late into flower, but next time I'm going to strip them naked.
That's not to say that I wouldn't have had a even better yield if I left them alone, but I seriously doubt it.
I'd recommend trying it on a single plant to see what kind of results you get. Best case scenario is you gain a technique, worst case is one plant might have a lower yield. I love experimenting, even if it isn't completely scientific. I never want to get stuck in my ways.
I'm quite happily stuck in my ways, imo I've got a winning formula with 1+gpw and very little work relatively speaking.
I'm actually disappointed with this crop.
A tester from the plant in the photo.