Science of Curing


Well-Known Member
from what i've read, it allows some metabolic process to continue, i.e. sugars are consumed, other nutrients are processed
the result is bud with less un-metabolized nutrients, and has much more desirable traits for smoking(i like it in vaping too)


Active Member
Well, I was kinda talking about an actual science.. what is actually going on with the buds while in the curing process, as far as science goes? I'm not really wanting to know what to do, but whats going on down there in the buds? Does that make sense? I'm just curious.


Active Member
from what i've read, it allows some metabolic process to continue, i.e. sugars are consumed, other nutrients are processed
the result is bud with less un-metabolized nutrients, and has much more desirable traits for smoking(i like it in vaping too)
That's what I mean.. science talk!


Active Member
As mentioned above earlier. The metabolic rate for cellular respiration is still ongoing after you cut at any cell plate organism; the reason why you cure it in a dark is to set the metabolism in a catabolic state by not giving light waves to the thylakoid. a thlakoid is a small sac found within the granum whose membrane contains the chlorophyll your wanting to get out. with the resperation ongoing the plant will eat the chlorophyll break down to create ATP.:leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
It's just like wine making or distilling alcohol. You wouldn't make bourbon without aging it in a charred cask. Wouldn't be the same.