Scientists Believe "Magic" Mushrooms could Effectively Treat Depression

I'm in a similar situation Time. Actually the pcp and the neuro have both brought up clusters as a possible explanation for stuff. I'm given serious thought to trying shrooms as a treatment. It's not like I'm out much if it doesn't work. Migraines that frequent are worrisome. How do you respond to various treatments? I see some response to triptans but insurance only covers a few pills a month. Frova is the one I find works best, insurance covers 9 pills a month. It normally takes 2-3 to have decent effect. 3+ headaches in a week means that can get blown through in a week.

I would l say first try a sub-breakthrough (ego dissolution) dose of 80-100ug of Lucy. See if that cures it and for how long. I'm wondering if it's the dissolution of the ego centre that may stop this class of headache.
Hey guys, I'm a chronic migraine sufferer myself- and a lover of shrooms. I would say they definitely cure my depression:) a good shrooming keeps me smiling for ages.
As far as migraines, shrooms don't help me, but that's me. Tryptans don't help, nor do the once a day preventatives but I do suspect that an occasional shroom trip keeps them at bay, as a PREVENTATIVE. I don't get aura, have photosensitivety or problems with noise. Just hemispheral agony, nausea, profuse vomitting. I wake up with them usually at about sunrise as I run for a puke and they last until around 10 at night. Brutal.
The absolute best thing for my migraines is a good dose of opioids- morphine, endone etc., but doctors are so hesitant to give any opiates around here that I have to suffer- even in hospital they won't give out the hard stuff when it could have me back on my feet in a couple of hours (I have never recreationally used or abused an opiate). "Hard" drugs are and will always be stigmatised I think.
I would l say first try a sub-breakthrough (ego dissolution) dose of 80-100ug of Lucy. See if that cures it and for how long. I'm wondering if it's the dissolution of the ego centre that may stop this class of headache.

Ideally I'd take one of the LSD analogs where the amide nitrogen is replaced by a carbon atom abolishing psychedelic activity but retaining efficacy as a preventative for cluster headaches. But those aren't exactly available to the public. I could try to synth them but they use starting materials that are watched because they're also used in LSD synth. I'm sure the DEA would believe me when I said I was just trying to treat my headaches.
The problem with trying LSD is that you have no way to control the dose. Even if you know how much crystal was used to lay the tabs an individual tab can be much higher or lower than the average.
Mushrooms still have the varying potency problem, but I can extract psilocin from them and take a standardized dose of that. I don't need to go through a drug dealer to get them. They're not perfect but of the options available they seem to be the best.
Btw, 80ug is well over the threshold for LSD. Hoffman reports the typical dose taken by Sandoz researchers after it's discovery was about 50ug, and there's plenty of data supporting that as the threshold dose.