Scientists Discover that Cannabis Compound stops Metastasis in Agressive Cancers

I'm sorry for your loss Carne.
I know how it feels. Cancer seems to be the number one killer of members of my family. The latest being my God Father who died Wednesday from colon cancer. He was a vegetarian, never even drank milk, no caffeine, no smoking, no drinking, he was in the gym 5 or more days a week. I never knew a person who took their health more seriously and yet here we are mourning another soul lost to this disease. I'm starting to disbelieve EVERYTHING. It doesn't seem to matter if you embrace a gluttonous hedonistic lifestyle or you're a saint this disease can strike you. Fuck sake I'm angry and rambling I apologize. Once again I'm sorry for your loss Carne.
Hmm Im still a little skeptical. ... If (heaven forbid) it should happen to me, I would want the most powerful radiotherapy cell smasher they could find to kill the bastard cells. ... I don't think I would put my faith in rubs and lotions.


I'm sure Canna would help with appetite though.
There was a study done, I think by the National Cancer Institute, that showed that MMJ increased the efficacy of the chemo. Plus, there have a a ton of newly applied patents for cancer treatment coming out of Israel using chemistry right out of MMJ.
There was a study done, I think by the National Cancer Institute, that showed that MMJ increased the efficacy of the chemo. Plus, there have a a ton of newly applied patents for cancer treatment coming out of Israel using chemistry right out of MMJ.

makes sense, Israel is leading the way in research on MMJ .. or at least i thought so
if you knew how cancer cells metastasize then you would be advocating chemo over RSO

if you read the article and understood what there terms mean you would understand, that you are wrong and misinformed

but instead you feel the need to continue to advocate CHemo, imho you are asking us to kill our friends and family, and giving others advise to do the same
please stop

.What a numpty. ....... PMSL :clap:
PMSL?? Ok, what is it?

I literally laughed when I read that 'Sam' thinks I'm advocating that you all go and kill your friends and family. or that I'm advocating treatment for anyone.

Its really the strangest thing what people will accuse you of in these forums. Some people read a sentence and create a whole narrative in their tiny minds. I love it.
for fuck's sake when are they going to reschedule it? imagine the discoveries we could have already made if this plant were legal to study in regular labs and universities across the country. the article doesn't say exactly how the scientists procured this CBD, but i'm gonna go out on a limb and assume it came from a cannabis plant. the hoops that people have to jump through to study it are ridiculous. it's research shouldn't be limited to a small exclusive group, and it shouldn't be stigmatized.

even without it's obvious medicinal properties, the fact that it's federally illegal to use it to simply alleviate suffering in terminal people is a national disgrace. i can't imagine how they'll try to spin it as more discoveries come to light. at what point do they acknowledge their idiocy?
for fuck's sake when are they going to reschedule it? imagine the discoveries we could have already made if this plant were legal to study in regular labs and universities across the country. the article doesn't say exactly how the scientists procured this CBD, but i'm gonna go out on a limb and assume it came from a cannabis plant. the hoops that people have to jump through to study it are ridiculous. it's research shouldn't be limited to a small exclusive group, and it shouldn't be stigmatized.

even without it's obvious medicinal properties, the fact that it's federally illegal to use it to simply alleviate suffering in terminal people is a national disgrace. i can't imagine how they'll try to spin it as more discoveries come to light. at what point do they acknowledge their idiocy?

its funny that Chemo kills as many if not more than it saves . . . . .wow . . .is that what you are inferring

lets all just throw away a obvious medicine for a silly rule made in the 50's(?) so hemp woudl stay illegal . . . . and the war ondrugs could start(70's right?)
I have to agree with you on this one, Im having treatment for breast cancer I've had chemo and radiotherapy, I thought they were trying to kill me not cure me it was so harsh it was bad enough having no hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows without being sick, stomach cramps, mouth ulcers and veins like lead but I've just had a scan two weeks ago and I thank god it was clear, i still have to take tablets to stop the cancer growing but the chemo and rads defiantly zapped it. The. Reason I started to grow is because I was told it would combat the side effects I get from the tablets I take to stop the cancer growing, I have terrible bone pain swollen joints and fatigue so I think both medicines will help me get well here's hoping so anyway.
"Virginia awarded bounties for hempculture and
manufacture, and imposed penalties upon those who did not
produse it." george washington 1762

"Virginia awarded bounties for hempculture and
manufacture, and imposed penalties upon those who did not
produse it."
george washington 1762

I knew it. George Washington was a fuckin' Leftie! Traitor! Kenyan Muslim Communist!!!! Merika! Fuck ya!

(couldn't resist)
No worries. I just lost my mom about a month ago to cancer. I know what you mean. :(
I'm so sorry that you lost your mum, cancer is a horrible thing to cope with my family have suffered deeply since I was diagnosed and my fight has been a long and hard one,just remember all the good times you had with your mum and that she is now at peace no more pain!
I'm so sorry that you lost your mum, cancer is a horrible thing to cope with my family have suffered deeply since I was diagnosed and my fight has been a long and hard one,just remember all the good times you had with your mum and that she is now at peace no more pain!

She was an amazing woman. There won't be another like her, ever. She once told me, while writhing in pain, "I am thankful for the pain, Mijo!" I asked her why and she smiled and said, "Becuase now I know what my mother went through." The last few weeks were horrible. Hopefully time will soften the ugly edges but that woman was a fighter to the end.
The medical profession has forgotten the Hippocratic oath and now relies on big money period. The Pharmaceutical companies run medicine now, and I'll go to my death bed before I use any of their so called remedies.

Cannabis wins in my eyes.

Actually, no, read it.

They never mention the 1st part where he will pay for his teachers and his teachers' kids forever.
Gotta get the money to pay them, right?
So if they have to choose, and use the oath as a priority list, cash comes 1st.

Also, to the doubters. Tough call for you guys. Especially if the treatment options for your cancer is poisonous chemo. I don't want both. I want a test to see if the oil treatment is working. Now that they know what to look for they can validate your choice before going for something harmful.
I hate the fact this showed up under weird news on the huff post instead of scientific.

Great article.
Apears to be a legit article however, dont understand why not any of the big pharmas hve not reviewd the data and jumped all over this. Any drug that would stop cancer growth that works will be a blockbuster. They know that.
Pharma won't develop it if they can't patent the product or the process.