Scientists Urge testing and certification...


Well-Known Member
I see the legislature and everyone before it talking about the importance of testing for mold. I see the testing labs claiming that most of the samples they see are contaminated. I don't see an epidemic of illnesses and infections stemming from our mmj program. I know the mold tests are only visual checks. I know plenty of foods have a certain acceptability rate of mold.

I'm not claiming I know having small amounts of mold in bud is harmless but it doesn't appear that it's particularly dangerous and I've been presented with no evidence to the contrary.
Take a look at the Canadian MMPR testing requirements. All producers in Canada will have to follow this criteria. The mould and bacteria is nothing compared to the heavy metal issues. It costs about $1k per batch test at a licensed lab. If you fail you have to destroy your crop. So imagine a very stringent test criteria, who would pass? A producer would have to have very good quality $tandard$ in place. A producer would need a big bank roll to play. No small time players.
This same strategy is being investigated throughout the USA now.
This could be a real issue for you guys...


Well-Known Member
I was referring only to molds. Unfortunately I don't know enough about heavy metals to comment, I shall have to look into it.


Well-Known Member
It would be funny to see a commercial about weed. What it helps with and the side effects, they'd be there for an hour explaining the benefits and then when it came to side effects - none!
What are you talking about? The side effects are the best part!


Well-Known Member
I see the legislature and everyone before it talking about the importance of testing for mold. I see the testing labs claiming that most of the samples they see are contaminated. I don't see an epidemic of illnesses and infections stemming from our mmj program. I know the mold tests are only visual checks. I know plenty of foods have a certain acceptability rate of mold. I'm not claiming I know having small amounts of mold in bud is harmless but it doesn't appear that it's particularly dangerous and I've been presented with no evidence to the contrary.
The testing labs are just looking for new business. Mold spores are everywhere. You have mold spores in your lungs right now. How do you think an unopened bag of bread grows moldy after a couple of weeks?


New Member
He's right, it just takes the right conditions for them to start growing and that's it.... you get mold!

Smoke - Eat - Sleep - Repeat :D


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about? The side effects are the best part!
Kinda what I meant to say, "Side effects include..Awesomeness, renewed appetite, better vision, better self awareness, possible increased sexuality, able to sleep, able to think..." The list goes on!


Well-Known Member
True RED, people have been smoking marijuana for thousands of years and not one single case of anything reported other then awesomeness, sounds like lab business building to me! good discussion here!

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
woodsman had a great perspective on this subject that made me think differently about testing. throwing out your pot if you don't pass with flying colors is wasteful. you can still make a great topical foot rub from some buggy-moldy pot with no problems. funny, the people swim upstream for what, 30 years or so against the feds and the doctors and the pseudo-scientists; we get our laws passed through OUR government and now the whole fucking world shows up telling us how we should be doing shit. its a pet-peeve of mine when some prick who 5-10 years ago would cuss us all stoners and lawless criminals and drug addicts shows up to OUR party talking about how we're right sort of but doing it all wrong. How about you fuck off boys and spend 10 years lobbying (without deep pockets!!!) against bullshit false info and get your laws passed through a constipated governmental system using only the shittiest of paths (the voter initiative) to legal legitimization like we had to to get here. then you can have a fucking opinion on how we were right, sort of and put your stupid twist on it. until then, I think you all deserve to be treated like criminals and locked up for voicing your opinion. Oh, and lose your job too. that's how its been for most everyone on here before and now during medical marijuana act isn't it? say pot is medicine and you're a retard stoner. say you smoke, or get caught with it in your system and your job is gone. give your kid a life saving natural herb and he/she gets taken by CPS. How would that be? I think you'd all shut the fuck up if you had to deal with the consequences for your stupid opinions being voiced as we've had to for so many years. in fact, all you bleeding heart peckers would walk away from the issue if those rules were in play for you. But since we fought the war and its out there now everyone shows up like in the story of henny penny bitching cause we didn't cook the bread the way they like it. yall didn't plant the seed, you didn't reap the wheat and you all didn't cook the bread but you're all here to eat and critique the shit in the end aren't you? .....:wall:.......bongsmilie......and end rant.

Collisto's Orbit

Well-Known Member
Good rant. In the meantime, the DEA will continue making busts, and the FDA will mandate tests for dangerous legal weed.

Meanwhile, still, nobody has died, or become ill from weed, ever.