Score one for the good guys

Good thread but not nearly enough Jeff Sad Face...




He hasn't been this upset since desegregation...
There is no sense and never has been in my opinion, to continue a war on drugs. Prohibition is done and the sooner politicians wise up to that the better their base will be in their corner. It's an archaic way of thinking that got us to this point and it will take a forward thinking politician to run on decriminalization and legalization on a national scale to change it. It just so happens that those who do advocate it are the minority party with no chance of winning. Unfortunately I don't see the Federal Government changing it's mind on Cannabis until most states have already adopted some form of legalization. Alcohol prohibition all over again.
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There is no sense and never has been in my opinion, to continue a war on drugs. Prohibition is done and the sooner politicians wise up to that the better their base will be in their corner. It's an archaic way of thinking that got us to this point and it will take a forward thinking politician to run on decriminalization and legalization on a national scale to change it. It just so happens that those who do advocate it are the minority party with no chance of winning. Unfortunately I don't see the Federal Government changing it's mind on Cannabis until most states have already adopted some form of legalization. Alcohol prohibition all of again.

Fuck Jeff S. He is so crooked that when he crocks they will have to screw him in the ground. Our govt has declared war on poverty, drugs...... all at the cost of the middle class. It's good to see that at least some of the scum bags in Washington are doing their jobs.