SCOTUS Breyer Retirement

Joe Manchin also signed a letter saying he would go no lower on the BBB than $1.5T with Schumer; he turned around one Sunday morning and to the horror of all said he's a 'NO' literally out of nowhere.

he's a treasonous traitor not to be trusted.

i hope he dies soon in an ironic they find him dead in bed stuffed with coal..he was a very bad boy that year.
Manchin is nostalgic for the bi-partisan days of Congress, when opposite positions didn't mean that respect and friendships couldn't still exist in spite of this, which in turn made compromise poss. Maybe if he falls down the steps and has a concussion it will clear his mind and bring the Reps S.Court hypocracy and hypocritical stance on Jan 6 into clear view, sparking him to realize that these are truly diff times in politics. Not to mention psychos in the House like Berber, Green, and Goetz among others. Joe, you're old, and rich, do the right thing,is it the end of the world if you get primaried or voted out?
He's another deep thinker and is concerned about the pick being bi-partizan, it's just his go to stall tactic, gives his donors time to get the cash together.

His next move will be to criticize Democrats about the nominees they are putting up.

This is so predictable.
Manchin is nostalgic for the bi-partisan days of Congress, when opposite positions didn't mean that respect and friendships couldn't still exist in spite of this, which in turn made compromise poss. Maybe if he falls down the steps and has a concussion it will clear his mind and bring the Reps S.Court hypocracy and hypocritical stance on Jan 6 into clear view, sparking him to realize that these are truly diff times in politics. Not to mention psychos in the House like Berber, Green, and Goetz among others. Joe, you're old, and rich, do the right thing,is it the end of the world if you get primaried or voted out?

doesn't Manchin hold a lifetime appointment?

i wonder how the families of WV are doing now that they no longer have Child Tax Credit check..$300 for each kid..4 kids gets you $1200 extra every month you can count on..that's quite a bit of money to say NO to..

And on the child tax credit: Manchin said he didn't want to see it go away but again stated it must be capped. "We're going to make sure that we can help — and continue to help —those in need," he said. "I'm all open to looking at anything and everything that helps people but targeting it better."

ummmmm, it's already gone, Ebenezer..all those poor families with children..that's a lot of money they could have right now but can't because of Joe Manchin who lives on a Yacht.

what was in Trumps plan? oh yeah..the Social Security Trust Fund was going to be his..then when no one (red and blue) received checks..then it would be too late..we would officially become part of Russian Federation.

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Manchin is nostalgic for the bi-partisan days of Congress, when opposite positions didn't mean that respect and friendships couldn't still exist in spite of this, which in turn made compromise poss. Maybe if he falls down the steps and has a concussion it will clear his mind and bring the Reps S.Court hypocracy and hypocritical stance on Jan 6 into clear view, sparking him to realize that these are truly diff times in politics. Not to mention psychos in the House like Berber, Green, and Goetz among others. Joe, you're old, and rich, do the right thing,is it the end of the world if you get primaried or voted out?
He won't be up for re-election until 2024. So much more grift to be made between now and then. Free money to him. Some people can never have enough.
doesn't Manchin hold a lifetime appointment?

i wonder how the families of WV are doing now that they no longer have Child Tax Credit check..$300 for each kid..4 kids gets you $1200 extra every month you can count on..that's quite a bit of money to say NO to..

what was in Trumps plan? oh yeah..the Social Security Trust Fund was going to be his..then when no one (red and blue) received checks..then it would be too late..we would officially become part of Russian Federation.
The families of WV will feel relief now that those checks will no longer be degrading their high values.

Their heritage will keep them warm, dry and fed.
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can you imagine less motivated secret service agents?...would you give your life to protect that living pile of cheeto dust? they should just give him a defective bullet proof vest and some running shoes, those would probably protect him better

let me tell you about the Secret Service- Pence REFUSED to get into the limo with them on 1/6..Extremeist exist everywhere, under every guise; make no mistake about that.
The families of WV will feel relief now that those checks will no longer be degrading their high values.

Their heritage will keep them warm, dry and fed.

plenty of time to fuck him for anything coming up in 2022 and 2024; he's not going to be their favorite son any longer.

Big Coal Union had a come to Jesus moment over Christmas holiday with him.

Manchin has already done the math on how many families WV has and how many kids that may mean; hence the cap.

Hell..they'll be Welfare Queens:lol:


pearl clutch, smelling salts and how many jelly beans are in the above jar?
plenty of time to fuck him for anything coming up in 2022 and 2024; he's not going to be their favorite son any longer.

Big Coal Union had a come to Jesus moment over Christmas holiday with him.

Manchin has already done the math on how many families WV has and how many kids that may mean; hence the cap.

Hell..they'll be Welfare Queens:lol:

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pearl clutch, smelling salts and how many jelly beans are in the above jar?
about a pound.
The Reps have no right to hinder this Appt. at all( between the Merrick Garland and Amy Coney Barrett fiascos) it's fair and noble for Biden to seek the confirmation of a left leaning Black fem. judge, If only Mrs. Bader-Ginsburg had stepped away Obama could have appt. another judge of a ideology similar to hers or left-center at the least, had she recognized and not been in denial of her health the Reps. wouldn't have this pro-life,pro corporation 6-3 majority to ram home the Reps. agenda.

RBG worked right until the end often from her hospital bed..the reason is she wouldn't have left until there was someone else to replace her and with the obstructionist Right?

Breyer is leaving with a caveat 'assuming someone has been chosen, confirmed and in place'.
False dichotomy. Just because Manchinema voted against an infrastructure spending bill doesn't mean they won't vote for Biden's pick for SCOTUS.

This is a SCOTUS nominee and their voting record on court nominees shows good agreement with other Democrats in that area. I'm not predicting the future, just doing what they say not to do in the financial industry. They say "past performance is not an indication of future results" then they make recommendations based upon past performance. So, Manchinema's past voting record shows they vote for Biden's choice for judges. So, I'm guessing that's what's going to happen in his SCOTUS appointment.

they voted for Infrastructure and it passed; they won't vote for BBB (what Biden ran on; his legacy) which is the SOCIAL piece that the two bills were to be passed together.
they voted for Infrastructure and it passed; they won't vote for BBB (what Biden ran on; his legacy) which is the SOCIAL piece that the two bills were to be passed together.
Somehow, I got pegged as an apologist for Manchin. I am not. I'm just saying that Manchin and Sinema are not standing in the way of Biden's choices for federal judges.

BBB was (is) a social spending bill and the people of their states side with the Sinechins in that they want small government/less spending. I'm not apologizing for them, I'm pointing out the reality. Most people in this country are more conservative than you are. Prepare to be disappointed if you think otherwise.