scraping pyrex

Paper sucks, they are pulling it off the market. (can find it on amazon)

Also you might be able to contact Herb N' Legends in Phoenix to ship you a MEGA version of the skilletool scraper.
I'm not sure how much your spraying, but if its 7g's + of oil, usually while there is still butane in it, it gets pour straight onto the parchment.. It is still a fairly thick consistency but usually well over half will pour in.. other then that, having the plate warm, wearing nylon gloves, and using single edge razor blades are how we do it.. Best of luck.
I hate scraping the pyrex dish. I hate it so much that I actually blast onto parchment paper lately. I know there is a million reasons why I shouldn't but my hands are tired. Anyone have any suggestions on how to scrape easier? I was thinking of just rinsing the pyrex with alcohol and then just pour that onto parchment, will that be safe?

I blast into a round dish, scoop all the big stuff up with a painters tool, then the rest with blades. Scrape from the middle towards yourself, rotating the bowl. You will get every last bit. No more corners or sides to worry about (square dish)