scrawny stems


Active Member
i have grew outdoors for a few years only indoors for little over year and half my question is
how do i get the nice thick stems i see in everyone pictures?
mine do not get as thick and nice as some of these pictures i see they dont stay nice and compact so i super crop and lst with a little topping/fimming and i still cant get that nice thick branching
the stems on this guys stuff is an example very nice thick looks like when he does flower he will have some nice healthy sturdy branching
thanks for any input on this


Well-Known Member
The only thing I can think of is sufficient air movement will make for stronger stems. Aside from that if your lighting is not
good and your plants stretch on you,this could be a reason why they are flimsy.


Lots of air movement will mak3 stems stonger, I also use pro tek silica and it makes stems nice and strong.


Active Member
i use white rhino for silica (started using silica this last round in veg havnt had enough time to see any big difference yet about week and half into using it i see a little differnece the stems are getting harder to pinch over)
i have a big 16 inch circulating fan set on high there blowing like crazy
light is a 400w MH
i dont mind tieing buds up in flower but it would be nice to get a little bit more sturdy stems sometimes


Well-Known Member
HID lighting basically. Have fans osculating across the plants as they develop in veg too.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have everything I suggested already. Other than those things
I don't have a greater experience on what the cause would be,maybe genetic?
Are you using the metal halide throughout your full cycle if you are then that's your problem you need a dual spectrum light or you need to change your metal halide bulb to a flowering bulb when you flip cycles


New Member
dood start with t5 during veg and use mh and hps for both spec while still in veg my plant are low and fat .....o by the way no fckn fan in my room just cold air coming in from an air conditioner so i dont know about that fan nonsense even though ive herd a fan will make a stronger stem but not in my exp my stem is about 3 fingers thck ....check my threads ooo and thier only a month and a week old so .....


Active Member
i use a 400w MH air cooled hood i keep it about 6-8 inches from the top for veg and a 1000w hps i get it as close as i can without bleaching the flowers for flower the stems start to beef up a bit just in veg im trying to get them to beeg up a bit.. i have been thinking of changing the 400w to 2 4ft 8 lamp t5's to cover my 4x4 table i read that t5 are good cause the plants i guess fight for the lumens? so they make better use of it my buddy uses t5's and his stay pretty compact and bush out nice with nice fat stems for good support.. i could mix in some red/blue spectrum in the t5 maybe? i thought MH would keep them nice and compact hps usually promotes stretch i believe.


Active Member
here are some pics maybe you can tell me if its just me or not the first 2 pics are purple brainwreck and the rest are jillybean