Screw Amsterdam Im Going to Ghana


Well-Known Member
I just saying what my relatives and others told me, you might have had a different experience, thats fine. That still does not mean all the weed is bad, sure you can find bad weed any where. Amsterdam is a nice place for weed but it is not the be all end all place either. There are alternatives out there and they are cheaper. And for $3 a ounce and the ability to smoke on the beach in a warm climate, I think a few people would like to take it, especially for people who like to go off the beaten path.
sounds like you are pushing people into making episodes for that show on Nat Geo called locked up abroad or something like that


New Member
Does the idea of going to any war torn nation being destroyed by dictators and ravished with diese entice anyone. Probably not. I will lump ghana in with the rest of africa. Because honestly what makes it different? Because they have a make believe "dictatorocracy"? Fuck africa and fuck ever going there. I don't care if Dr Z is growing his weak ass $1000 strain everywhere I look. I will NEVER travel to africa. Ever. How would you figure ghana to be better for pot anyway? Amsterdam...people speak english, have clean water, don't have aids, have great food and its not 100000 degress 24/7. Amsterdam makes ghana look like...well ghana.

The ignorance and stupidity in this post is astounding.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
How'd you figure that? Really? Show me africa isn't at war with itself constantly. As for disese...seriously? Aids is an epidemic. Not to mention other tropical diseses that run rampant throughout. Africa is hot. I didn't once attack its people because its really not the peoples choice. Africa as a nation is corrupt and most of its inhabitants live in extremely over populated ghettos. Africa is no place to be american let alone white and smoking drugs. You'll be fucked six ways from Sunday. That is a FACT.

So take your off topic post attempting to point out non-existant ignorance elsewhere.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I know it's a continent. Did I refer to it as a country? Nope. Not once. It is a nation however. So you stand corrected. Quit skimming peoples replys. Especially if you are going to attempt to crtique them in anyway. Asshole.


Well-Known Member
I know it's a continent. Did I refer to it as a country? Nope. Not once. It is a nation however. So you stand corrected. Quit skimming peoples replys. Especially if you are going to attempt to crtique them in anyway. Asshole.
No, you obviously dont know what a Nation is....Africa is made up of many Nation states Doh!!! Skimming????:wall:

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Nations are culturally homogeneous groups of people, larger than a single tribe or community, which share a common language, institutions, religion, and historical experience.

Fuck you?


New Member
Nations are culturally homogeneous groups of people, larger than a single tribe or community, which share a common language, institutions, religion, and historical experience.

Fuck you?

Holy shit you ignorant monkey. Africa is not a nation, and your own post proves this, yet (as stated before), your stupidity keeps you from seeing the truth.


Well-Known Member
Nations are culturally homogeneous groups of people, larger than a single tribe or community, which share a common language, institutions, religion, and historical experience.

Fuck you?
Google that did you, LMAO!!! You really are ignorant, In what way do Egyptians and Zimbabweans fit into that then? Or, lets say, Kenyans and Liberians. Do you know anything about Africa at all??? 'Nope'


Map of Africa

East Africa
Central Africa
Northern Africa
Southern Africa
West Africa

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
How the fuck is it not? Is a Nigerian not from a place in africa? An Egyptian is not african? Im not denying the fact it is seperated into nation-states. But when refering the entire continent im not going to call it the nation-state of africa? No it is one giant fucking nation divided into smaller nation-states and regions. Wow.


Well-Known Member
How the fuck is it not? Is a Nigerian not from a place in africa? An Egyptian is not african? Im not denying the fact it is seperated into nation-states. But when refering the entire continent im not going to call it the nation-state of africa? No it is one giant fucking nation divided into smaller nation-states and regions. Wow.
It IS NOT A GIANT NATION, why dont you wiki 'Nation', Culturally religiously and commmunicationally Africa is as diverse as Asia or Europe...go and read a book on a subject before proclaiming knowledge...:finger:


New Member
How the fuck is it not? Is a Nigerian not from a place in africa? An Egyptian is not african? Im not denying the fact it is seperated into nation-states. But when refering the entire continent im not going to call it the nation-state of africa? No it is one giant fucking nation divided into smaller nation-states and regions. Wow.

That's cool man, call it whatever you want, fortunately(for you) its not illegal to sound dumb and less educated than a 6th grader.


Well-Known Member
How the fuck is it not? Is a Nigerian not from a place in africa? An Egyptian is not african? Im not denying the fact it is seperated into nation-states. But when refering the entire continent im not going to call it the nation-state of africa? No it is one giant fucking nation divided into smaller nation-states and regions. Wow.
I cannot believe how stupid you sound at the moment. Africa is not a nation. Your not a educated person are you. I cannot even be insulted by this, I am just sad that people are actually this stupid. How Ghana is a peaceful country which has not seen conflict in decades, while Nigeria has a coup every fucking year. Egypt is a Muslim country, that many believe to be the center of the Muslim world. While most of West Africa is dominated by Christians. Tell me in your little world who rules the Nation of Africa? I could go on and on but I hate wasting my time with people that don't understand even basic geography.


Well-Known Member
I met a guy once that worked in the silicone valley and was incredibly rich but thought that Paris was the capital of Europe!!!!!

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
If all of africa is a "nation" then every country in north america is all one nation too right?. Mexico, USA, Canada. All one nation.

Your using the term nation where you should be saying continent. Nation= country. All of africa is not one country so it cant all be one nation. This is kindergarden stuff man.