If we could harvest all our energy via wind turbines and ocean current driven turbines the electricity would be the way to go. But currently we use "Clean Coal" absolutely not clean at all. Some of the worst biproducts imaginable come from the mining of it. for example they fire cannons every hour around open mines because 90% of the birds that land in the area die within minutes from whatever they eat around that area.
Lately there have been big pushes to create more nuclear plants. This is even worse. It may be cheaper but nuclear plants spew radiation into the air like you wouldnt believe. Sure it is below government standards but who sets these standards? greedy politicians that need a working cost effective plant to recieve finacial backing for whn they run for office, not scientists. Most of these radioactive compounds float north where moss absorbs them. These compounds such as strontium are then concentrated by the moss, which rain deer eat, which escomos eat. This compound has the same structure as calcium. The amount of these people that have developed rare bone cancers from this and die will shock you. But nobody cares cuz escomos don't vote.