Screw it, shut it down

Should the government shut down over DACA?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 37.0%

  • Total voters
I think it's slightly uncouth to discuss that over a public forum.

But yes I know the amount.

Like I said. I know the 2 members more than just this forum.
You don't have to be specific, couple hundo? Couple g's? $17?

It is entirely unreasonable to fire off accusations publicly if you're not willing to discuss any details other that "he told me but I can't say anything".

Its a huge accusation and without any sort of scale or context shouldn't be publicly aired without expecting this sort of scrutiny.
Schuy, he went from being personable one day to telling the sort of irrelevant lies you've seen from him these past two days the next.
I hear you have an unpaid garbage bill. This and other mundane information make this forum such an interesting place to visit.
You don't have to be specific, couple hundo? Couple g's? $17?

It is entirely unreasonable to fire off accusations publicly if you're not willing to discuss any details other that "he told me but I can't say anything".

Its a huge accusation and without any sort of scale or context shouldn't be publicly aired without expecting this sort of scrutiny.
Eh. I don't really even care the dollar amount.

If it's 2 dollars or 2 thousand it should be paid up.
I hear you have an unpaid garbage bill. This and other mundane information make this forum such an interesting place to visit.

Owing money for weed on a weed forum is far from mundane.

And if you think your rudimentary grasp on politics is interesting ive got news for ya.
You don't have to be specific, couple hundo? Couple g's? $17?

It is entirely unreasonable to fire off accusations publicly if you're not willing to discuss any details other that "he told me but I can't say anything".

Its a huge accusation and without any sort of scale or context shouldn't be publicly aired without expecting this sort of scrutiny.
Man, this is conducting personal business in public. Not a shred of proof offered and disagreement about the whole issue.

Soap opera dramatics and other bad acting.

Man, this is conducting personal business in public. Not a shred of proof offered and disagreement about the whole issue.

Soap opera dramatics and other bad acting.


Even baldrick just replied "a fraction of that" admitting there is money owed.

Take his dick out your mouf.

Owing money for weed on a weed forum is far from mundane.

And if you think your rudimentary grasp on politics is interesting if got news for ya.

It was interesting when I was 12.

bill collecting, boring and mundane.

Repo any cars lately?
Lol, so you don't even know the dollar amount?

Stfu man, let them sort their shit out amongst themselves.

I want to know about that unpaid phone bill. Dunning people is such an interesting thing to read about.
I honestly don't even care.

I've just always thought you politics guys were the biggest douches on this forum.

Guess I just wanted an excuse to tell you to gargle my semen.
You thought you were some brave internet warrior diving in like a little cucked out bitch.

Stfu pip-squeek, if they've business to sort then let them sort it.