Adrian McGowan
Active Member
Hey guys I'm running a top fed dwc setup with leds. I had the girls (hoping there girls)on a 18 hour veg cycle. About 4 days ago I changed my water and nutrients which I do weekly. My lights timer somehow reset itself and I reset it as to what I had it. Anyways my timer didn't turn off at the required time and now my plants have gone from 18 hr cycle to 24. I know it can be run on 24 but I understand it's better at 18. My problem I'm having is if I turn it back to 18 will they enter flowering stage because of the shortened light span? Ive topped them about a week ago so they aren't really ready for flowering. Planned on another 3 weeks of veg. Is it possible to scale the lighting back half an hour a day until I get back to 18 hrs or will then in turn trigger the flowering? Any help would be great.