ScrOG: 1 plant=(?) sq. ft.


Well-Known Member
How much space (in feet square, preferably) on the screen can I expect to be filled by one sativa-dominant plant? Indica?
Doing calculations for a grow room that I'll build sometime this Autumn- a big one, so planning considerations are appreciated.
Also, I want that screen properly filled and bushy, so that I'm taking full advantage of the lighting.


Well-Known Member
it depends on how long your gunna veg the plants....... you can get one plant to fill the entire screen if you want to.


Well-Known Member
Really?? Okay, that's pretty cool, I hadn't realized that. Would it at all reduce the quality or anything if I made each plant fill, say, 2 square feet, then?


Well-Known Member
your doing all this research and then your gunna use LED's?

I have never tried them...... but from what I gather, there aren't very many people on RIU using them, which IMO means that they can't be very good.


Well-Known Member
Well the dissatisfaction comes from the price tag, for sure. I really just want to use them for research purposes- oh, and to be able to say I was one of the first to ScrOG under LED's :P Also, I did some math, and if I could get at least 1.5 oz. out of every square foot, I figure I could break even on the quarter.
My alternate interest is the possibility of a greenhouse ScrOG with LED as supplementary, but most likely that experiment is a long way down the road.


Well-Known Member
well, you've done your research, so the choice is up to you....... i personally wouldn't use LED's....... but hey, I like to go with what's already been tested and proved.


Well-Known Member
led's are fine to grow with just the materials used to make them are expensive which makes them expensive plus you need lots of them to put out enough lumens, but they are cheaper to run..


Active Member
The "Green Star Grow Bar" is advertise to only use 12 watts but promises the same lighting as a 250 watt metal-halide, OR HPS. saving 90% of the energy bill. LEDs emit ectreamly low heat you can hang them really close to your plants for high intensity output. Also sayd they were tailored to the spectrum of light that need the most.

Im going this route my next grow for all vegging just for the low heat and energy benifits.


Well-Known Member
led's are fine to grow with just the materials used to make them are expensive which makes them expensive plus you need lots of them to put out enough lumens, but they are cheaper to run..
I read that an 80W LED UFO is comparable in its yield to a 400W HPS, so should lumens really be a problem?


Well-Known Member
Chances are I'll just end up using a UFO for secondary light in a greenhouse. However, I need to build the greenhouse first!