ScrOG Help!

Hello everyone! I'm ScrOging a bushy beautiful BW out and had a few questions for anyone nice enough to reply. Each node has 4 branches, (2 lower growing sideways and 2 upper growing upwards at a 45 degree angle.) My understanding is that the two upper are where the bud sights will be and the two lower are fan leaves. (PLEASE STOP ME IF I'M INCORRECT...)

Since I'm ScrOGing for the first time should I only pull the upper branches of each node through the screen and leave the fan leaves under or even cut them off? I've been looking all over the interwebs to find like an idiots guide to the exact parts of the cannabis plant... but to no avail. I've grown an auto or two in my day but never put such effort in and want to make sure I'm doing everything correctly. Any clarification or help would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. How long before flowering becomes irreversable back to Veg? A week? Less?


RIU Bulldog
Don't over think it man, some of the leaves are gonna grow through the screen anyways so it really doesn't matter if you pull it through now or not. I had a lot of semantics questions like this too when I did my first scrog and no one really can answer them well enough, especially if we don't even know if you're talking about a branch of a fan leaf.
Try this thread. Thye may be able to help you better
Hello Beansly! Thank you for the link.. I read that a long time ago but of course it makes more sense now that I'm a little more "experienced" (relatively speaking of course). The fan leaves are always going to be the large, single branches attached to large, single leaves correct? The reason i ask is the 400w mh bulb is keeping my plant so short and bushy that I can barely move ANY of the branches around. (Shanti's BW: about 2 ft in diameter and less than a foot tall-Definitely an Indica Pheno as well) I was just thinking about getting rid of some of those useless fan leaves now and wanted to make sure I didn't clip a potential bud site. I'll probably just go ahead and put her in flower (vegged for 3 weeks so far) and figure out which will be producing the buds that way... Thanks man!