Well-Known Member

I will for sure win looking at that future mexi-brick you have there....I think you better switch your nutes to Miracle Grow.. That light rail is going to fall on your plants and destroy them when I come by and use my universal remote to activate the garage.. Your plants look a little droopy... sup with that? recovery from transplant? yep, Im feeling a bit more confidant now... Smack talk officially open!
I think Xivex won the "most innovative masturbation technique award" for making his arm fall asleep and THEN rubbing one out. Two pounds a plant....cough***bullshit*** cough. I'm sure everyone has room for improvement, but come on. I got almost 6 oz per plant lat run, I can do 400% better? Here is the rub, I went to the website as I figure, ok, you spam up my thread but what the hell, I'll but the book, and if it contains some good info then I'll spread the word that its worth it. I spend like 10 minutes clicking around trying to buy the fucking thing....ITS NOT CURRENTLY FOR SALE! ? If your going to pimp your shit at least have something to sell or take a minute to add something to my thread.Hey i thought i won that award jimbro? Oh wait, no, that was the "excessive non-dominant hand masturbation" title...nevermind.
Perhaps...but it is only his second post, so maybe he is just a real slow reader....Checked out your site. Looks like a good read.
One suggestion, though. You might think about laying off the hardcore sales pitch in these posts. It just reads fake to people like me (if we ever get past the first line or two). Your website is there for the hard sell. You might think about using the boards to connect with growers (throw out a little free info) and then slide in a link to your site. I'd be a lot more willing to purchase if you had taken that approach. This looks like a cut and paste with a P.S. thrown in at the end to show you at least read the thread (good to know).
Anyway, that's just my two cents. Best of luck.
P.S. Bear in mind, this opinion is coming from the guy who got the Most Posts of Absolutely No Value Award in this thread.
Damn straight right here. lolHis first mistake was telling me "I'm just scratching the surface". I'm interested in the book but I hardly need info on how to build a scrog screen or set up a grow room. My room is fucking dialed. What I need is real world specifics about environmental conditions and nutrients/ additives for each growth stage. If it's anything like Jorges book, I'm over it. I don't need to know how to pop seeds or clone it any of that other total been shit that comprises 90% of growing books.
I have been seriously thinking about starting a mj research facility that tests all the different nutrients and techniques side by side. The only problem is how to fund it.
I remember those beauties now. Wish I could blame it on being high.I just posted pics last week. Flip back a page or two