Scroggy's 2012 garden


Well-Known Member
Things are looking great man! Nice grill :D I want to try making some compost tea but I think I may just find some place to buy some good stuff I can try out lol. I also want to try my hand at brewing some beer this summer. In the past I've made some apple wine that was good but got you shit faced quick, I've got to get some of that going again in the next few weeks :D

I've got my tomatoes and cucumbers in the ground now. Red and Yukon Gold potatoes are almost ready... going to be some delicious dinners :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
sounds good, Brandon. making tea is simple. you can just use compost/EWC from a bag and some molasses. i add more, but a simple recipe even boosts microbes.


Well-Known Member
i use rain water mixed with some water from my de-humidifier. waste not.......want not:)
i'll be posting new pics tomorrow. a little rainy out there today.


Well-Known Member
the hops, the papaver, Orange Kush, vertical bed, lettuce and leeks, ore leeks, more lettuce, emergency firewood, reclaimed boards pulled from a major river, yet ore lettuce, perennials, and the dog's litter area with lilacs to catch excess N.


Well-Known Member
002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg005.jpg008.jpg009.jpg010.jpg012.jpg013.jpgnot a strong showing in poppies. a lot of predation. the warm winter. caged Kush. other progress. my sis-in-law belongs to a CSA, and went away for 5 weeks, so we have all that produce too. this week was kale, spinach, some garlic-smelling grass-like green, and others. thanks, Pip. the roses are the by-product of my compost tea; i'm sure of it.

