Scroungers Guide To "The Stealth Cabinet" - Lots of Pics


Well-Known Member
HAHA i cant wait either, im really growing tired of this big fat waiting game i want my super pot and i want it NOW :( pistils are starting to pop up everywhere my flowering process has been very rapid (i think because i gradually lowered the light cycle and from making it rain all the time ) but i have also kept a gr8 soil ph and temps have been respectable :) I'm hoping to chop in about 5-7 weeks depending on how they look. i'm really hoping for a quick flowering process and all of my estimates thus far (down to the day early flowers would be visible) have been accurate so my bet is 6 weeks til chopping :bigjoint: - TAKING ALL BETS

the big thing for me now is my ozone generator as smells are starting to escape heh heh heh :weed: this bud is going to be awesome i can practically taste it already


Well-Known Member
Iv gotta say ninja for my first grow im very very pleased :D i can see signs of flowering alll over them now , soon as i get the chance il be putting some pics of pistils and early buds up cant wait :bigjoint: thanks for stopping by


Well-Known Member
I was waiting for the summer heat to really kick up before posting again as i was worried my growroom would be too hot for me to finish flowering properly,BUT my room seems stuck at a constant 25 Deg celcius and with my carbon filter + ozone gen combo there is NO smell from this very very stinky plant. So now i'm happy and ina good place knowing that it will be clean sailing from now until harvest :bigjoint:

I'll be puttin some pics up tomorrow of the buds starting to form :D


Well-Known Member
nope in the wardrobe in my bedroom haha , Room temp is about 21 or so and im hitting 26.8 degrees on a hot day, the one thing i like about UK is temps never hit 30 haha


Well-Known Member
Ok so we're flowering away, but i have severely stressed my plants and slowed flowering :( i knew i'd make a noob mistake at some point and now i think i might have killed one of my plants .My flippant use of ozone is to blame, i've killed the top canopy of one of my plants for sure. I noticed pistil growth on the other 2 but my smallest plant is basically in a critical condition in Plant ICU with a lot of crspy dead leaves havin been removed. i'm so ashamed of my faliure to respect ozone lol, i think she will pull through but now i have to live with the fact that i have stressed all my plants, slowed their growth rate and more than likely lowered my overall yield. Pics to follow when they have recovered i cant show any1 my girls at the moment they look a bit sad and i havent ever put pics of sad plants up and i have no intention of doing so :wall::wall:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alright sensi stan!

looks like a finely crafted little stealth box your working with man! nice job, my one critique is that evenb with just a baby 250w hps its going to get toasty in that cupboard unless you can vent it out somewhere, i learnt the hard way about recycling damp air round a room. mould is a bitch man.

if you cant put a hole through to the loft id consider going with a 300w red spec cfl. or an LED panel but it doesnt wuite fit the scrounger ethos! props for making it this far on such a small budget.

happy growin man



Well-Known Member
Hey Don, thanks for stopping by....*passes :joint:* .I do have a 100cfm bathroom extractor fan in there venting the cab and its staying around 28c now. and i got that chapass for £15 :D. i can also say my girls seem to be making a recovery, im just sorry i had to hack one of my fav plants up a little bit lol. i topped and fimmed her aswell so before the "ozone incident" she had 11 potential top colas and i was keeping that secret as my final "wow factor" for a new grower but now she's down to 6 :(

and iv kinda lost track of my scrounger side iv spent a total of about £300, not bad as im on budget but i have scrounged everything i can :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

i think your misunderstanding me, youve got the 100cfm fan extracting from the box into a cupboard right? if the passive intake is coming from that air your going to have problems, especially when the weather kicks in. 28 is getting close to the top end as it is man


Well-Known Member
iv decided to wait til saturday 1)because i need more batteries and 2) because i wanna show off some nice little pistil clusters but im not quite there yet :D


Well-Known Member
Hey SS, It's all good. They should come around with no problems. We wouldn't be noobies if we didn't make




Well-Known Member
Hey ss, sorry to hear of your misfortune.

I wanted to tell you since your post on the cooling device got me on the kick to find a stealth cab ac. I built a peltier ac for my 4 cubic foot cab. I have some pics of the design in my signature thread, at close to the end. The peltiers are only like $15 US, and the rest of the material I used was cheap, but I had it on hand. Hope you get some good ideas from it.

Good luck with the recovery, I am sure they will do fine.


Well-Known Member
Hey ss, sorry to hear of your misfortune.

I wanted to tell you since your post on the cooling device got me on the kick to find a stealth cab ac. I built a peltier ac for my 4 cubic foot cab. I have some pics of the design in my signature thread, at close to the end. The peltiers are only like $15 US, and the rest of the material I used was cheap, but I had it on hand. Hope you get some good ideas from it.

Good luck with the recovery, I am sure they will do fine.
Very nice idea gumball, i kinda dropped the ac idea when i stabilised temps with more efficient ducting and repositioning of fans but that thing looks sweet :D .for any1 in the dark here is a pelier device :


This is our peltier device, i think i'm going to install 2 on my next grow :D , do u know which sides supposed to be in the room though ? +rep gumball brilliant find :D


Well-Known Member
I would put the cold side in the grow space and the hot side on the outside. Because my intake and exhaust are side by side and ducted inside, I decided to take advantage of this and have the cab exhaust its 110cfm onto the hotside heatsink, and pull air in across the cold air intake.


Well-Known Member
Cool, dno how i got confused, iv spent the day designing my next grow room :bigjoint: cant wait to try these out. I'm buying my diesel ryder seeds in a couple weeks and germinating just before i chop the blue cheese down, rele wanna give the AF thing a go now .


Well-Known Member
Oh, I think I misunderstood, did you mean which side is the cold side? If so, then with red wire on your right, and the black wire on the left, the top should be the cold side, but I will confirm when I get home.