Scumbag father of the year hits his own kid with a belt for not catching a baseball


Active Member
This kids dad reminds me of my dad. I remember back in the day I got beat for not being able to eat spicy food, I was in 1st or 2nd grade at the time. My dad was pissed that I was wasting food.


Well-Known Member
Wtf? Assholes man...

Kuroi huh? That bitch is shady anyway.
Good to know though, thanks hoe. Lol

Watch out for Kaendar. Pretty sure he's a cop or something too. Either way, he's on the waiting list for LAPD


Well-Known Member
Ridiculous. I never trusted her anyway. She's like unlucky on here. I don't even know if she's a male or female.
LOLOLOL Excuse me... what happened to our lovely banter and you 'Liking' my pictures etc?

Do you even read my posts? I do try to be constructive, resourceful and upbeat. I think I'm pretty mature for a teenager, too. YOu weren't there when I was the first to seriously grill/confront Unlucky using her own posts as evidence. She is a pic collector, I am not. Would you like to know WHY I have people's personal information? Because the they trust me enough to share it with me because I'm a nice person. Just because you hear one person say something bad about the other doesn't mean you should take the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon and hate on them too.

I said nothing about IP adresses, why are you getting excited? Besides, IP adresses are easy to drag up, not that I feel the need to do it.

Listen, how about you get on Skype with me right now? xxx


/Thread derail

Padawan, I feel really bad for you. If you need a hug, I'm here x


Well-Known Member
Um, isn't that the point of a forum? Look for threads to contribute to as well as read?

Why can't I express my opinion when you are talking about ME. So get on Skype and stop being a pussy lol.


Well-Known Member
the girl in ur pic blowing the o's is my neighbor. just had to put that out there
Really? She's cute from what I see! Stoner girls are hot :3 What a small world!

But sorry for derailing this thread, this is a pretty serious topic and I apologize for the disruption xxxx

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You do know that moderators do not have the power to ban right? And you do know that we do not have such a thing as federal agents in the UK? :lol:


Well-Known Member
ive never seen you, do you realize how much you generalize? everything you say is "everybody this" and "everyone" that. you came into this world alone, your on this site alone, your alone in your own thoughts, you die alone. quit speaking in broad generalties its a sign of somone trying 2 force their opinions on people, somone who doesnt generelize "would say some of the guys on here have seen me" and i dont even know how 2 use skype anyhow and i dont really trust it.
we can all see your camel toe sort yourself out you little bitch lol


Well-Known Member
oooo god this inbred Brit who cant even grow for shit is still crying? omg dude go screw your 3rd cousin, i doubt you can find anyone in England that isnt related 2 your ass hahahaha
who do you think believes you, or shares your opinion?
from what i can see it is no one
you are full of vile misspelt comments, you attack others because you are jealous of other peoples intelligence
you are unable to communicate on any other level
so carry on ghetto boy LOL
you are the clown for today, entertain me :)



Well-Known Member
guess what "skunkdoc" noones beeen smoking skunk since the 80s here in the USA cuz that shit is WEAK AND FLUFFY GET ON BOARD W THE KUSH LOSER
it seems that your mighty kush weed is unable to keep you calm .. perhaps you need something with a bit of potency, that weed you posted looks dry, it lacks resin, you need more experiences growing it would seem

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It's spelt "a fucking idiot" not "an fucking idiot" :lol:

But you are absolutely right, i'll never actually meet her, oh wait, i wonder who took this photo of her on tuesday...



Well-Known Member
ive never seen you, do you realize how much you generalize? everything you say is "everybody this" and "everyone" that. you came into this world alone, your on this site alone, your alone in your own thoughts, you die alone. quit speaking in broad generalties its a sign of somone trying 2 force their opinions on people, somone who doesnt generelize "would say some of the guys on here have seen me" and i dont even know how 2 use skype anyhow and i dont really trust it.

Everyone is laughing because everyone on this site knows me! I have the most photos with proof of identify on this site and nothing to hide! You made a mistake, admit it!

You don't trust Skype? Not even 10 seconds? PUSSY.

And that is an insult to the fine piece of art that is female genitalia.


Well-Known Member
oooo wow okay here you have 13,880 posts and your still an fucking idiot! hahaha is that better loser? go get some real pussy instead of fantasizing about the 1 female on this entire site, wow your hopeless standing up for gurls whom you will never meet like your guna get some pussy hahahahahaha wowwwwwww
Actually this site is full of some FINE females, to use the lingo.

I've cammed with a few, they are fun, cute, smart and sexy creatures- is it my fault you haven't charmed them enough to get them to open up to you?

And er... I think he's had plenty of real pussy *giggle*

Click on my Skype button or it is xxTaimaChanxx