SEA OF BLUE. Blue Cheese by eightenough


Well-Known Member
lol. fucking shit keyboard. the a and s buttons are fucked and you have to either smash them or hit them 5 times to get them to work.

she is doing well.


Well-Known Member
Subbed, can't wait. That's some mega Lighting mate, 1600w. I run 1000 and that gets out of control so i cn't wait tosee what you do with this.


Well-Known Member
Subbed, can't wait. That's some mega Lighting mate, 1600w. I run 1000 and that gets out of control so i cn't wait tosee what you do with this.
checking in, howz things eight ?
What up 8E. I am subbed bro. I almost had myself some blue cheese but customs thought different.
hey guys, glad to see that you all found your way over here. i am building the SEA OF BLUE this arvo and will be taking pics as i go. i will post the pics a bit later.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to post pics of Pamela, shes a moody bitch and doesn't deserve it... She's in the naughty spot right now, and she can stay there till I think she's ready to come out.... :-(


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to post pics of Pamela, shes a moody bitch and doesn't deserve it... She's in the naughty spot right now, and she can stay there till I think she's ready to come out.... :-(
You should Spank her.. I think she'd like it ;)
Wats the issue with her my lovely?


Well-Known Member
She's just being a temperamental bitch Ninja, typical I've reconfigured my aercloning system now and I know this way will work as its how I used to clone 10 years ago... I've taken 4 blue cheese cuttings and 4 Super Lemon Haze, and the super lemon haze are loving it, and the blue cheese have hit the wall... All really droopy... I've got optimum conditions now, I expect them to come good in the next day or so, but I will let you know how I go...

Sorry to hijack your thread 8...


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

SEA OF BLUE photos. well, here they are. long overdue i know, but i have been working all afternoon and into the night. more work to be done in the morning.

the first 2 pics are of my brothers girls. they are the Mystery strain. they will be going into flower at the same time as the SEA OF BLUE. the next five are pics of the flood and drain system being set up. as you can see there will be 8 girls in there. i am transplanting the BLUE CHEESE cuttings tomorrow morning. so there will be more pics tomorrow.

the final 2 pics are of my other tent that is waiting for something to be ready for it. i will be hopefully running 4 x BLUE CHEESE on long veg. 2 weeks into veg i will be adding another 4 pots which i hope to grow 4 x Mystery cuttings. i plan for all 8 plants to go into flower together. should be a really nice harvest. heres hoping anyway.

until tomorrow, enjoy the smoke.:joint:


Well-Known Member
How's the smoke? The bowl is almost empty and I'm already starting to eye off one of my girls. I know she's underage but she smells so sweet haha. Another month for me, just avoid snipping a 3g nug that might grow into a13g nug or more..

Pics look good, what are the dimensions of your tent. Sorry if it was said only a few posts go or something, I smoke a lot of weed.


Well-Known Member
hey man good to see you. shame about your bowl. be patient, try not to chop into your young girls.

the tents are 2.2mx1.2x2m. there is 2 of them. and i also have a 1mx1mx1.8m. that is where the SLH is.

i smoke alot of weed too.


Well-Known Member
I'm already hammered as i pack up my last bed time billy and there's stairs between me and them. I think they are safe from uncle bad touch tonight. Hopefully my bowl will refill while i'm at work tomorrow and our happy little family will go on. That is a mad setup. Just gone somewhat perpetual now myself but that is for my thread. keen to see what you do as i have prob slightly less space, 3 tents but one is small, the other tiny and my big one (1.4X1.4) is smaller than two of yours.
anyway sleepytime...