sea of grean / s.o.g


Well-Known Member
yeah, the setup is stellar! my goal is to have nugs like that (maybe even a setup like that) one day, props dude. i know that pic is a little old, where can i see the new stuff?


Well-Known Member
oh wait sorry i didnt see the 160 part.. so two tables with 80 ok.... but i still dont understand the how do you only have 40 flowering out of 160, and that mean the 40 are making 1.75?
All 160 are in flower but I put in 40 plants at a time in 2 week intervals. So when all 160 spots are filled, I will have 4 sets of 40 at different stages of flowering set 2 weeks apart. So when week 9 arrives, I harvest the 1st set of 40 I put in and replace them with new rooted cuttings and repeat the process every 14 or so days harvesting the next set of 40 that will have been in there 8 weeks.


Well-Known Member
:confused:im fairly new at this, so any help would be a +. regarding s.o.g how big of a harverst vs. time can i expect from that tactic? lets say if im using 1000watts, and 4 clones a sft. if you have any better idea let me know.
Kushing....I just weighed out a 40 plant section that was grown in 12 sq ft section of my 3 x 8 table (1/2 of the table).

Total wet weight after trimming was 3,819 grams of wet bud. If I lose 75% of weight in drying and cutting out stems that will leave 955 grams which will equate to 34 zips. And I will be ready to harvest the next set of 40 in a cpl weeks. and the next set of 40 2 weeks later and so on.

Hope this answers your questions


Well-Known Member
Kushing....I just weighed out a 40 plant section that was grown in 12 sq ft section of my 3 x 8 table (1/2 of the table).

Total wet weight after trimming was 3,819 grams of wet bud. If I lose 75% of weight in drying and cutting out stems that will leave 955 grams which will equate to 34 zips. And I will be ready to harvest the next set of 40 in a cpl weeks. and the next set of 40 2 weeks later and so on.

Hope this answers your questions

Here you can see where I have harvested 40 plants and I am in the clean and prep stage to replace the harvest with new rooted cuttings. The section next to the empty space is 40 more plants I put in to flower 2 weeks after I put in the forty I just these will be ready to cut in 2 weeks.

The pics of the jars and the hanging bud is what I just harvested in that 12 sq ft area(3x4)...totaled out to 3,819 grams of wet trimmed bud. Should dry out to 2.0 to 2.25 lbs.

