Sea of green schedule help

Trying to establish a schedule for sea of green growing... cant find any examples online - I have a great room setup but need to figure out some kind of rotation schedule. I know all strains are slightly different but if anyone has come up with a decent working schedule I could tweak it from there - just looking for somewhere to start - Any ideas?
just figure out how long you want your harvest to be apart...i.e 2 weeks, 4 weeks. after you decide that religously take your cutting every X weeks and thisngs will fall into place eventually.
im trying to get my grow to every 2 weeks right now and its slow going, some clones take off faster than others, and just got 6 new strains so i have seedlings going that ewill furnish clones eventually . anyways like i said stick to a schedule and things will fall into place.
got to have 2 areas at least, 1 for flowering one for vegetating. I have got a tray for clones under 4 ft fluorescents. next stage would usually be under fluorescents or MH or hps . I use a couple 120 watt (incandescent ) plant bulbs for the next stage 1ft to 1 1/2 ft from the plants, then 400 w hps to finish.
I harvested outdoors from mid sept to mid nov (greenhouse), now in early Jan. almost ready like 2 or 3 wks then winter harvest . Its a basic low budget setup but its working. With more space and better equipment you should be able to grow it all faster
I run a 12 plant SoG right now, but I grow em 12/12 from seed, works great so fare, will harvest the fist two in a few weeks time, I plan to start two new a week or two before (so soon) so I have small new seedling to put in there, plan on moveing the larger/older plants out to the side a bit so I can fit the two new once right under my 600W HPS
Thanks for encouragement seems easy enough - anyone know of a weekly flower progression log or journal - 2 weeks into 12/12 and have seen signs of sex but plants seem to have stalled - looking for weekly pics for comparison