if yur limited to six flowering, sog is only good if your a perpetual master.
you can crank out some bud in a sog cabinet real quick if youve got it down right. average 14-17g per plant thats 3zips of meds every 8 weeks with just a 400w on top and a 250w on the bottom for veg/moms
but you gotta have it dialed in right. i used to do mine in 4" starter pots if i ran from seed 10-12 weeks but rooted clones 8-9 weeks.
it just takes a run or 2 to get it dialed in right.and then 3-4 runs to time it right, as far as having the right amount of rooted clones ready to go into soil and flower and having the moms get enough recovery time. sometimes i will sacrifice a mom when it gets to big and just replace it with the top of one of the early (2week or less) flowering ladies and just replace the mom w/ one of her offspring.
beleive it or not the hardest part of this method is the soil recipe. its a bitch formulating soil that is a) not hot enough to burn fresh clones/seedlings but b) strong enough to support the plants growth as it stretches, and c) dense enough to support the plants weight once she's fully filled but d) still provide enough drainage and aeration once the plant is almost done because she will most certainly eat most of the organic matter. its funny, big buds out of little tiny pots, its like your looking for the ebb/flow but there is none...
old pics of one of my cabs, 8weeks in.
see how the small the pots are? lol trippy huh
i had eight in that batch, not six, but you get the point. if your just growing for personal, this is a fun way to do it, and cheap to. a cab only takes up 24"x32" and only uses 700w, 400w for flowering and 250w for veg. 25w a peice for fans. u can gang u bunch of them together with ease on one set of timers if you know your wiring.