Sea of Screen Method?

I am in the process of opening up a legal grow house to provide to the local dispensaries. I'm trying to stay under the 99 plant limit per building (just to play it safe with the feds). This method brought to my attention "seems" to be the best way. I met a guy who grows using the "sea of screen" method. He tells me by using this method he averages about 1.5 pounds per plant in an 8 week flowering cycle.
Each plant has its own 1000w hps lamp and shares a small resivior with one neighboring plant.
Does anyone have any experience with this who could provide any advice on this method? Could 1.5 pounds really be achieved per plants using this method?
All feedback is appreciated!
actually its SCREEN of green. then there is Sea Of Green, two entirely different opperations.. lol screen of green is where you put a fence ( chicken wire ) horizontal 8 inches above your plants during veg and weave the plants through the screen as they get bigger, hence growing sideways ratther than up and fanning your plant out. sea of green is where you have a mother, clones coming off the mother, a veg room. and a flower room, its a huge operation, study both methods and see which one pertains to what you are talking about..
SCREEN of Green, that now makes much more sense! Thank you SourDeisel.
Still curious on how exactly this work besides the obvious bending of stems etc, and if it is worth all the work/time to "train" the plants to this screen fixture..?
My main goal is to get the most out of my 99 plants per building (not too concerned with the square footage).
Thanks again!
whatsup bro. didnt mean to listen in on the convo but where are you allowed to have 99 plants per room? im moving to denver soon to do the same but ive heard different rules on number of plants.
In responce to youngone, I can "legally" grow as many plants as I have patient scripts for.
But the issue my biz partner worries about is if the laws magically change and we get instantly stuck under federal law.
He just wants to play it safe, and since he is backing most of the funds I want to play it the same.
Mblaze just got 6lbs from 3 plants in his last grow... indoor 2400W...

His buddy also did a monster with 3600w and got 4 lbs.. single plant..:razz:
holy shit thats major light.
thats whats up though like i said (what do i know) haha.

anyhow Icudrankmy40 id say it might not be worth it if you are going to be doing it on a large scale level like you are talking about. that is alot of plants to maintain. & you have to tend to them almost daily. not to mention its a pain in the ASS to move them once they are attached to the screen... definitely study the method before you decide, as there might be a more efficient method considering it sounds like your going to be doing a commercial grow. i suggest SOG ( SEA OF GREEN ) check that out..


Well-Known Member
If i had 50 lbs a month, id use it to heat my house, with all the windows closed and the chiminey closed.