only took 10 days to get here. across the pond
LoL they shipped my order out the same day you got yours. I checked my tracking number earlier today at royalmail.com it says my item has reached the destination country. Then I tried to track it with usps.com with the same tracking number they gave me but no luck says some crap about they can't track my item. Owell I just hope I get my beans. I ordered on oct. 12 and they shipped on the 13th. so I guess I'll get them on the 22. Anyone know why I can't use my tracking number at usps.com?
Err nvm I just checked usps again I guess I forgot to space out the tracking number lol. (I'm a little stoned ATM)
Anyway this is what is says at usps
Your Item's Status Your item has been processed through our sort facility in ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS) at 11:53 pm on October 16, 2012.
The last time I ordered bean. I got them 3 days after they processed through the NYNY sort facility. I'm so excited I now have 1 more seedbank to add to my list. Thats if the beans are legit. I'll find out after I get and check them out. I'll post back when they arrive.
Peace and happy Halloween muhuhahahahahahhahaha!!!