I appreciate you coming out. I do take exception to the use of the word pigs though.
Ill have to give you some background; I am the head contact to the powers that be for Hempfest. I, in my twenties, used the word pigs frequently. I have, in my tenure at Hempfest, met many of our cities police. In fact, I spent the last few days working out details with them and working with them. It has changed my attitude completely.
They are not fascists. They are real people. They are good people. They were amongst the most helpful and caring people that I worked with during the fest. They conscientiously helped us maintain peace and order at the event.
The directions given BY the police to their field officers were basically We are here to keep the attendees of the event safe. You will work in a target rich environment. This does not mean that our mission is to rack up arrests. Our mission is not to stop the personal use of cannabis. Our mission is to ensure that everyone remains safe and the event remains open. Talk about super cool. These guys were there to protect and serve. They were very cool too. They hung out with us, the officers of the organization and shot the shit and troubleshot. While I was talking to one of the ranking officials, someone was booked. He looked embarrassed. He assured us that if someone was being arrested that they did something that an arrest was appropriate. We assured him that it was okay because we trusted them. It turns out, dude was asking to be arrested and not even mildly.
We have the best police force on earth. They are cool and they are real people. They are helpful and courteous and funny. Several times we heard Hey, I used to party. Please dont call these helpful and necessary people pigs. They are not our enemy. The laws are our enemy. Most of the cops, in fact, every cop I talked to agrees. They are put in a bad situation because of the laws. They dont want to arrest stoners. In my experience, they would rather hang out with us. Also, during our tiff with SAM, the police were steadfast supporters during the permit negotiations. They love us.
If you are paranoid by a cop boat at Hempfest, it is understandable but unnecessary. The world is changing. Let it.