Seattle Minimum Wage not working out...

Of cause they will only build as many as they have to. Why build more than you can sell?

Which is why I said pages ago they should stick to building battery packs.
We've seen time and again established, large, wealthy and much loved businesses fail when a disruptive technology displaces their own. This isn't just a matter of replacing one power plant in an automobile with another. EV and concurrent wide spread deployment of renewable energy are much more than that. The reason large established companies fail to make the leap when disruptive tech comes to the fore is grounded in their success at selling into the old one. Toyota was the largest EV manufacturer in 2017. They sold about a hundred thousand of them. They are nice cars too. Every one of them were sold at a loss and each one took away income from their existing, profitable line of gas fueled cars. There will come a time when they can no longer afford to cannibalize their profitable line of cars to fund the growth of EV. When this happens, Toyota will balk just like GM did.

A very good book has been written on the subject.'s_Dilemma
Elon Musk dancing at the Groundbreaking for the Tesla Gigafactory3 in China today.....

I'm in Holland, MI right now picking up some auto parts that one of our OTR drivers is going to take to California.

Here's something for you, @doublejj

Those Tesla parts are going on my truck right now
Now this one scares me.........o_O
China offers Elon Musk permanent residency....
Tesla boss Elon Musk has been offered a “green card”, China said on Jan. 10, a privilege enjoyed by an elite group of foreigners, including several Nobel laureates and a former NBA star.
Musk was in China for the ground-breaking of Tesla’s first overseas factory, which will allow it to sell vehicles directly in the world’s largest market for electric vehicles.
that piece of paper says "parts run using new process at gns"....interesting, what new process?....

I have no idea, next time I go to GNS I'll get a picture of one of the machines they make parts with

*On a side note - I just dropped a tool trailer at a brand new Amazon warehouse that's being built just south of Grand Rapids, MI, the place is enormous. I just put some pics up over in TnT if you want to check em out