Seattle Minimum Wage not working out...

The upward ripple effect that raising minimum wages has on those working for working for the lower 20th percentile of wages still applies.

Alabama concrete pourer: 16.11

Alabama day laborer: 14.42

If minimum wage goes up these wages will go up too.

The next argument is that inflation will go up. Umm no. want to say it? I'm ready.
Are you saying that when a company has to pay more for a laborer that their prices will remain the same? Um no. want to say it?

And using Alabama was just pulling something out of my ass. It is nice that your internet tells your Alabama pays 16.11. I am sure the workers in Alabama will be glad to hear it.
if you're trying to convince us that abandoning unions and all ideas that encourage social mobility is a bad idea, don't bother.

you southern rednecks have made your goddamn beds, now you get to sleep in them.

stop whining ya fucking sissy.
Interesting if I were to call people names like that my posts would be instantly deleted. Go check out your white supremist sites I am sure they are missing you being gone for more than a few seconds, racist.
Interesting if I were to call people names like that my posts would be instantly deleted. Go check out your white supremist sites I am sure they are missing you being gone for more than a few seconds, racist.

should i repost the quotes of you blaming all the problems of the south on black people? or how about your hilarious joke about "suntan lotion, condoms, and fathers day cards"?
That's absolutely true. The money went into bailouts. The bailouts were necessary because of speculation on fictitious assets and obscure derivative products. What did they do with the money? Buy more obscure derivatives, and speculation in asset markets. No structural reform was borne of the bailouts, the bubbles just got larger. Productivity, spending, and demand have all stagnated, so in order to signal any kind of growth, they moved the goalposts to include these 0% interest speculative bubbles in the GDP. No physical growth is taking place, just the opposite, prices are rising where they should be falling with decreased demand. Wages are not going to make a dent, your wages are shoveling sand against an ocean of bubble markets. Hedge funds that produce nothing are buying productive assets like factories, just to liquidate them and all the jobs they provide to make more money on margins. The solution isn't to raise wages, rather to reintroduce risk into investment. Even if your factory is only running at 2% growth per year, a hedge fund borrowing at 0% interest will acquire that business just to liquidate it for that 2% with no overhead risk via servicing the interest on the initial loaned capital.

The dot-com bubble burst, and the money became the mortgage bubble. The mortgage bubble burst and became a hybrid beast. Now tech companies like Twitter and Apple can get a 0% interest loan of a few billion dollars, buy back their own stock in inflate it's value, liquidate that stock to pay back the loan for the original amount of money, and then take the margin earnings and buy assets like real-estate that will inflate even faster. We move those interest rates by 1%, the whole castle comes down. The minimum wage argument is deflecting from the actual matters at hand, which is our whole economy has become Enron.

Stop talking about irrelevant wages and start talking about 0% interest rates. Remove the punch bowl and your money will be worth something again.

That is one of the fundamental problems. The government cannot possibly allow interest rates to rise, the debt is too large. So it will continue to distort the market until that last bubble bursts. And there is nothing backing that bubble up.
Are you saying that when a company has to pay more for a laborer that their prices will remain the same? Um no. want to say it?

And using Alabama was just pulling something out of my ass. It is nice that your internet tells your Alabama pays 16.11. I am sure the workers in Alabama will be glad to hear it.

Yes, I'm saying that increasing the minimum wage will not be inflationary overall. Maybe hamburgers go up a bit. Maybe slurpees. Denmark McD pays $20/hr and their burgers cost 85 cents more than US. What will not be affected: Not gasoline, not housing, not clothing (foriegn workers), not education. None of these are in the sector that participates in the minimum wage class of worker. Raising the minimum wage is not an inflationary measure.
Yes, I'm saying that increasing the minimum wage will not be inflationary overall. Maybe hamburgers go up a bit. Maybe slurpees. Denmark McD pays $20/hr and their burgers cost 85 cents more than US. What will not be affected: Not gasoline, not housing, not clothing (foriegn workers), not education. None of these are in the sector that participates in the minimum wage class of worker. Raising the minimum wage is not an inflationary measure.
australia is at $16 an hour and their big macs cost less than ours by a penny.
Yes, I'm saying that increasing the minimum wage will not be inflationary overall. Maybe hamburgers go up a bit. Maybe slurpees. Denmark McD pays $20/hr and their burgers cost 85 cents more than US. What will not be affected: Not gasoline, not housing, not clothing (foriegn workers), not education. None of these are in the sector that participates in the minimum wage class of worker. Raising the minimum wage is not an inflationary measure.

McDonalds more expensive?
Good maybe some of these fat fucks who dont seem to know who's voting for there Medicare will stop killing themselves so cheaply.

And fuck Papa Johns
What is this huge concern that a burger flipper might have a few extra bucks at the end of a week? You know, for useless things like food.

My concern is the burger flipper loses his job and goes on welfare for 1/3 the bucks he used to make. But he will get foodstamps too so I guess that is what you want right?
My concern is the burger flipper loses his job and goes on welfare for 1/3 the bucks he used to make. But he will get foodstamps too so I guess that is what you want right?

there is literally zero evidence that raising the minimum wage causes unemployment.

look at your own example, seattle. they raised their minimum wage and their unemployment fell, and is still falling. 3.3%

smoke more crack, imbecile.
My concern is the burger flipper loses his job and goes on welfare for 1/3 the bucks he used to make. But he will get foodstamps too so I guess that is what you want right?
That's one good reason alright. Your truthy based concern about something resulting from raising minimum wage that in fact is not a result of raising the minimum wage might result in a person who already works at a wage that allows him to qualify for food stamps to lose his job so that he would need food stamps and collect the unemployment he earned by working. I think I've got your concern now.

So tell me, what do you do to keep your head from collapsing in on itself?
That's one good reason alright. Your truthy based concern about something resulting from raising minimum wage that in fact is not a result of raising the minimum wage might result in a person who already works at a wage that allows him to qualify for food stamps to lose his job so that he would need food stamps and collect the unemployment he earned by working. I think I've got your concern now.

So tell me, what do you do to keep your head from collapsing in on itself?

Refrain from going anywhere greater than 4 standard gravities.
Yes, I'm saying that increasing the minimum wage will not be inflationary overall. Maybe hamburgers go up a bit. Maybe slurpees. Denmark McD pays $20/hr and their burgers cost 85 cents more than US. What will not be affected: Not gasoline, not housing, not clothing (foriegn workers), not education. None of these are in the sector that participates in the minimum wage class of worker. Raising the minimum wage is not an inflationary measure.
I beg to differ you damn straight I would charge more for housing. If I had a T-shirt shop you would pay more too as well as if I owned a gas station I'd charge more because my workers need to be paid double......
I beg to differ you damn straight I would charge more for housing. If I had a T-shirt shop you would pay more too as well as if I owned a gas station I'd charge more because my workers need to be paid double......

So what happens when the gas station down the street gets all the business because his prices are cheaper?
So what happens when the gas station down the street gets all the business because his prices are cheaper?
They would come to me anyway cause I would have the cheaper beer. :)

Or the bigger gas stations will put the little human run gas stations out of business they don't even hand you change anymore at Cumberland Farms shit just spits the coins out. But pretty much same thing happened with full service gas stations so they didn't need to hire as many people.
So what happens when the gas station down the street gets all the business because his prices are cheaper?
We see different prices at gas stations across the street from one another yet the nickel or so higher price doesn't drive that station out of business. Why do you think he doesn't go out of business?