Gook luck mate! if its been 8 days already then thats a good sign, 6more days and if no males pop up then id say u got a fucking good chance of all those babies being female...
Ten days and still no signs of sex on any of them.... Got my fingers crossed for real! This Saturday will be 2 weeks of sex. If I don't have anything on Friday then I'm just gunna call them all Females and switch them back to 18/6 on the lights. I'm goin out of town this Saturday until the 25th...
It's been raining here non stop since last Wednesday so I haven't had a chance to get out to my plot and finish it up.... Hopefully when I get back I'll be able to get out there and put the finishing touches on it... Hoping to put them outdoors around the first week of April. I'll just have to keep an eye on the weather, make sure there's not gunna be any frost. If there is then I'll have to get out and cover them up. But I don't expect too many more cold nights that'll drop past freezing...
What I plan on doin is after they are outside, and have some more growth on them, then I'll take at least 2 clones from each of them. Bring them indoors root them, and keep one clone indoors as a mother and put the others outdoors to finish up with the others.... Then just grow from my clones...
Thinkin about puttin one Black D and 2 WW outdoors just to see how they do... And just grow the 2 indoors full term....
Then I have all these seeds left over that I'll just keep for a rainy day, just in case I lose a mother, or for when I'm ready to start breeding....
Ahhhhh- the future is so bright I gotta wear shades!