Second grow 400w kalichakra and ak47 x northern lights.


So this is my second grow, first grow with good genetics.

Running a 400w with air cooled hood, hooked up to a 452 cfm vortex fan running at about half strength.

I planted 11 seeds, 10 kalichakra and one femd ak47 x northern lights in light warrior with no pre germ. I think I planted them a little too deep and only 7 kalichakra popped and the femd.

There all in 16 oz solo cups right now. I've had some trouble getting the humidity up and they've been kind of stunted but they've been doing great the past couple days.

There about 2 weeks old right now. I was going to veg for a month but since there so far behind I'll prob go about 6 weeks.



So heres a couple updated pics. I only waited 3 days between waterings, they started getting droopy today so I watered them with about a 6.3 pH I've been watering with about a 6.8 so maybe they'll like the lower pH a bit.

There still not looking great, growth is still very slow. I'm not sure whats up but I hope I figure it out soon.



Yeah no nutes and im using light warrior right now its made for seedlings. Ill transplant into ocean forest when there ready.


Ok so here is an update, there doing great! There is one that i'm concerned about, doesn't look like it's going to make it (bottom right in the pic). The leaves are curling upward and it's very wrinkly.

I transplanted them 2 days ago into straight FFOF with some added perlite, after trying to figure out why there growth was stunted and I had yellowing of the leaves. I transplanted then watered with distilled water. I'm still not exactly sure what the reason was for there issues but they were not root bound. I will not use light warrior again. It also could have been my tap water, I will be using brita filtered water from now on.

They have grown more within the past 2 days then they have in the past 2 weeks! I didn't think they were going to make it so I transplanted them as a last resort and there taking off.



Alright so heres another update there doing very well :mrgreen:

I'm thinking about vegging for another 3 weeks since they were so stunted. I'm still having some problems with a couple of them, hopefully they pull through. What do you think it could be?

I haven't watered since the transplant (about a week ago), because there still very moist, when do you guys think I should start feeding them?


Well-Known Member
I normally feed water, nutrients, water, nutrients. When I go from veg to flower nutes I start off at 1/4 strength then 1/2, then 3/4 and adjust from there depending on what they show me. They look ok to me buddy, keep it up! :-)


So I've decided to do some LST, it's going very well. I gave them a feeding of some big bloom and cal mag a few days ago. The discoloration is almost gone on the bigger plants, but the smaller ones aren't taking it as well, but they'll get there.

Here is a pic I know it's kind of hard to see since I added some side lighting but it's pretty much a full canopy. A few plants have alternating nodes, I'll wait until they all do until I switch to flower, I'm hoping in about a week.

As you can see there pretty packed in there, I could spread them out more but I worry about the plants along the edge that aren't getting enough light. Should I keep them in the 3x3 square like I have been or should I spread them out a little more so there not so crowded?



Alright so I put them into flower about a week ago, 6 females and 2 males, not too bad :mrgreen:. I put one of the males into a homemade box thats just big enough to fit it with a 60w CFL in there so I can collect some of its pollen.

So far there doing great theres a full canopy, transplant time is coming soon, I just want to wait until most of there stretch is done so I can untie the LST. There in 1 gallon bags right now, should they be ok in there for another week?

All of the plants are shedding a lot of there bottom leaves, is this normal? It happened in my other grow but I also had problems in that grow.