Second grow 4x4 Tent 600W 8 Plants WW and MK


Active Member
Hey guys and girls, windy here. Been a lurker for a while and finally desided to do a post on my grow. I mainly want your opinions on how it looks so far.. As the title says its a 4x4 tent with a 600w in a aircooled hood which is not hooked up to the ventilation yet (its winter here and is not needed yet). For ventilation i have a 6inch can fan hooked upto a carbon filter which is handling the cooling and smell perfectly, daytime temps peak at 29c but average around 27 and humidity usually around 45-55. half were topped and half fimed at 3rd and 4th node.

Strains are 7 Seedsman White widow and 1 Nirvana Master Kush all femanised. I forgot to label the master kush and ended up mixing it up with 2 other WW but since flowering there has been one that has stretched heaps more than the others as you can see in the picture so i am guessing thats the Kush.

Changed to 12/12 on the 28th of july and this is them today 16th august. They have just about doubled in size since the flip.

I am hoping to get about 300g from this grow and any more would be a bonus. What are your guesses on yeild?

I will post more pics in about a weeks time. Let us know your thoughts, it would be appreciated.


Day of Flip 28/7/13





Well-Known Member
Looks a little cramped, but 300g is very doable with a 600. I recently got one myself so I hope ill get at least 300g too but im gonna try 7 plants in a 3x3 3 plants in like 2 or 3 gallon not sure i bought at yard sale but they are a decent size and the others in 1 gallon pots. I need them square pots so it fills the tent evenly and leaves no spaces


Active Member
Nice fir3dragon, Im using 4gal pots atm. Just watered my ladies and also removed one so i got a little bit more room now, idealy i should only have 6 in there atm due to flowering to late but ill see how 7 goes for now, its hard removing girls that you have cared for, for so long. Good luck with your grow fir3e


Active Member
Cheers Papapayne and young :) i cant wait!

Hey all! So here we are at a little over 4 weeks since flipping to 12/12. Things are moving a long rather nicely although the weather is starting to heat up a little too much (i do not want to set up any air conditioning) but luckily still manageable. Temps are usually <30 but today when i got home it was 31.8, ambient was 23.

I fed them sunday at an EC level of 1.5 and a ph of 6.6 with a mixture of canna terra Flores, a small dash of canna PK.

The master kush which is in the back middle is really going strong compared to the widow's at this stage but dont get me wrong, its all going good but kush buds are almost twice the size. Anyways here are some pics for your enjoyment. :)



Active Member
I'd be happy with that coverage, no wasted space... Maybe you could lollypop them a little to up the yeild if it does get very cramped, but looking good man gratz!


Active Member
Are you using the rollitup app? I am getting the same issue on it.

I did lollipop them a little already, I was thinking of doing it some more but not sure if its too late. Cheers for the suggestiin though!! I do not want to shock them to much ya know. Whats everyone else think?

Peace out


Well-Known Member
If your gonna lollipop them, generally what I like to do is lollipop and then give em a few days to recover and then toss em in flower. Once their in flower personally I don't like to make any cuts or remove any leaves. I like them to use all their energy making that chronic medicine and not wasting it healing cuts. But it you must do it in flower, definitely do it early flower.



Active Member
Well hi guys, sorry for the delay in updating. Here we are at day 47 or week 6.7 and things sure do look tasty! I think i am suffering from a cal/mg deficiency on a couple which i have started treating. I think they should make it to the end, what do you guys think?

I fed yesterday with EC of 2.0. Fed with canna terra flores, canna PK 13-14, Canna boost,cal/mg at a ph of 6.4.

I have been forced to connect the portable AC up due to heating up to much. I have the AC set at 18-19 and inside the tent it sits around 27c. Choice! Oh i forgot to mention that i put a 125w CFL just below the plants so hopefully it will help squeeze some extra grams from the grow. Anyways to the pics!


The smell from inside the tent is incredible!


Well-Known Member
Looking good win,, is that the WW also in those most recent pics? Yes I think it shouldn't be an issue ,i think they'll finish just fine.. Peace


Active Member
Sup Big! Yeah all white widow except 1 which is a master kush (the tallest one i think) i kinda got some labels mixed up! oops. How much longer do you all think she has to go? ive read mixed reports for harvest time with the White widow.

Any yield guesses?



Drop the firt. Let them fade, don't sweat the leaves yelling. Cut a bud or so off every few days so you can see and try the results. I am a firm believer in harvest ing over a two week period all the buds do not finish at the same time start from the top as these will finish first. By cutting the top off redistributed the growth hormone just like pinching/topping/fim. Also your yield should go up by 10%~20% by harvesting like this my method is cut tops 4-day cut the buds that feel firm 5days cut more firm then cut the rest. It takes 3 days for the hormone flow to reroute. This method is also good for fighting bud mold problems if you have a heavy yielding plant with monster tops, by cutting them a few days earlier. your ww should be ok and I would not cut any thing till week 8 looks great. You will get 8-9 oz. Let them vedg a little bigger next run you will get more 10-12 ish. for the one week not vedge it's worth the wait