Second Grow Cheese and Jack Herer


Well-Known Member
UPDATE TIME: My babies are finally looking good!!:D Haha they seem to have recovered very well in that from hear on out i decided to just use only promix.

I now have 6 germinated NYD seeds in promix waiting for them to pop up and sprout...really hope promix is ideal for seedlings...dont c y not...anyway i will be posting pics soon :)


Active Member
UPDATE TIME: My babies are finally looking good!!:D Haha they seem to have recovered very well in that from hear on out i decided to just use only promix.

I now have 6 germinated NYD seeds in promix waiting for them to pop up and sprout...really hope promix is ideal for seedlings...dont c y not...anyway i will be posting pics soon :)
Great to hear!! I had a feeling the soil might have been the root of your problem heh Me and my lame humor. Promix should be fine for seedlings and whenever you get a bag of soil, make sure you mix the hell out of it before using it since it can have hotspots or just one certain area might have more perlite than another. Ill be waiting for the pics =]


Well-Known Member
I will be posting pics up of the NYD as soon as they sprout etc...guess this journal going to turn into a NYD journal and not cheese and jack herer anymore...oh well u live u learn


Active Member
Looks great!!! And don't worry about it ;] The plants are getting nice and green =D We can give them a light dose of nutes since they are hungry for nitrogen... Just remember after mixing nutes and stuff your PH will always change so watch it. If you do nute them, start with a 1/8 dose to be safe since you don't have a ppm tester. Since we pretty much concluded the soil was the problem, you can try a watering with no chlorine tap after its been adjusted. If you use ph adjusted tap water and notice growth is the same or faster use it. I said to get the distilled since I wasn't sure the tap you were feeding them was safe. The soil was the problem so we can try a tap test. Distilled water is fine to use but not over a period of time since it acts like a vacuum and sucks all the nourishment out of your soil and away from your plant when it leaks out the drainage holes. This will lead to nute deficiencies. Tap water will not do this since it has tons of ions already in it. Distilled is pure with no ions and because of that, it steals everything it touches =/ It also can cost a lot of money haha I made the mistake as beginner to only use distilled through the whole plants life cycle with barely any nutes. My plants all looked weak and thin ='[ My 3 plants farthest into flowering were given distilled almost their whole life and you can see how weak they are for being 12 weeks old... Look at the Speed queen at 6 weeks haha Distilled doing its dirty work right there I'm so glad my tap is good for watering since it seems to have build-ups of minerals my plants love and it is almost free =]

Talk to u soon
I have New pics up in the journal too



Well-Known Member
Hmm oki well then i will try the ph distilled water this weekend....the tap water that i been leaving out seems to be doing fine but if there is anyway that i can improve growth im going to try it:) Il feed them sum nutes once i get one that is higher in nitrogen at the moment the one i got is higher in ja haha sorry that im learning at ur expense but u telling me about ur grow allows me not to make those mistakes so yet again thank u! I can see the difference in the plants as they flowering...btw do the leaves perk up and become that straight wen in flowering period?

UPDATE: 2 NYD have sprouted and are under my cfls im taking no chance of them under the MH as i dont want any stress with them.


Active Member
Im really baked right now but my previous post was trying to get you to use tap. Try to only use distilled for maybe first week of growth and if you are flushing a plant for a nute lock-up or say a week before harvest. Now you dont have to get a fert higher in N. That is just what is recommended in the long run for vegetation phase. One thing is if you are using a pool color check for PH(add liquid in little bottle, add 4 drops, compare color to chart), you need to find a fertizlizer that is coloress so the final mixture will be clear.. get what I'm saying? If you are using pool ph strips it should not matter to my knowledge, the reading will be fine.

NOTE: If you start to use your nute which I bet is synthetic (non-organic) then later buy an organic nute use it.. The old synthetic nute will react in the soil with the organic nutes and cause a horrible nute lockout. That is what happened to my Pineapplegum and G13 Clones =/

My thought: Find a nice soil,organic veg fert at your hydro store. Ask the person who works there for help and tell them you need a good organic veg fert and you grow in soil. Stick with organic ferts and you wont regret it ;] I can't wait to switch to over from Technaflora which is synthetic.

My flowering girls pretty much just stay perky when they are growing right and the light is on. If I open the tent and see them drooping slightly it usually indicates they need some h20 =O

Take care of those NYD I feel from now on things will always be green and lush if you just be careful and be patient =) Keep the cfl's like 4 inches away for now and make sure all the soil in the cup is moist but not wet to the point of drenched. The seedlings need moisture but lots of oxygen as well. I noticed the promix looks fairly airy with perlite which is a really good thing =P


Well-Known Member
Ok awsum thanks for the heads up and knowledge....the nute i got is going to try get the ph tester 2moro...if i dont do u think it will be fine to just mix it really weak and add it to my promix hoping it wont upset the ph balance? there is dolomite lime in it which acts as a ph buffer and regulates the ph

And i will get sum Bat Guano and sum worm castings to add to the promix along with an organic fert they can try get it asap!

And yip trust me im tryna take good care of them...the 1 looks retarded though but the rest seem fine so will post pics soon:)


Well-Known Member
oh and btw would a yield from a 400w hps on 3 females be quite large? any rough estmate would do hey...i think ill only have 3 females max i hope for more....still trying to get female cuttings


Well-Known Member
Im really happy with the rate of the grow now and hope the NYD when they enter veg wil do just as good as these two or if not better!


Active Member
Well what do you use to measure water PH now? And the lime in the soil buffers the soil itself... It would not help whatsoever if you were to dump a nute mix with the Ph off. You would be back to square one with sickly plants =/ The worm castings and guano is not needed for your soil, a proper vegetative organic nutrient will do the job.

And predicting yield off a 400w is too hard but I can tell you using a 400w for 3 females would give you some fat chunky nugs.

Your soil looks a tad dry, remember every watering to make sure every bit of the soil gets wet and to only water again when you stick your finger 1 to 2 inches deep and feel no moisture. For good steady growth, atleast the bottom half portion of the container must stay moist.(not wet)

We need to find you a good organic veg nutrient. Does your local hydro store carry humbolt,advanced nutrients,fox farm, botinicare All of those companies have good organic nutes


Well-Known Member
Nothing haha havent had the opportunity to get to the hydro store yet...
and ok awesome that good enuf for me:)

and ive waterd them going to check the product list of that hydro shop but from what i know i dont think they sell any of that


Active Member
I guess we will just have to see. If you want you can list all of their nute brands and Ill do my best to find the right organic one. =]


Well-Known Member
haha suppose so....i think they just stock biobizz products and they have other ferts specifically for hydroponics....


Well-Known Member

ok so now under the mh i have put two of my NYD seedlings after having transplanted them into bigger pots. i want to see how they will cope under the amount of lumens plus im not sure how big seedlings can get in the current pots i have them in...i think it would restrict their growing because the pots are meant for small seedlings


Active Member
Well just let me know the nute brands they sell =] And everything still sounds good, and about the rootbound question.... My plants get rootbound in 1 1/2 weeks in party cups starting from the day they sprout. Also, it doesnt hurt to tip the pot and slide the plant and its root system out to check. Just try to do this when it has some basic root structure. If it doesn't and the roots arent holding the dirt so well, you can damage the delicare root system and just have a mess with dirt haha

dr green dre

Well-Known Member
alright newb.. looking good there ,got some cheese myself wouldnt mind gettin some of that jack h aswell been hearing good things bout it. Bio biz is alright i use it in my soil grows,any guano would help aswell.Mainly doing Dwc for yeild now. hope you dnt mind my posting a pic

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Well-Known Member
Umm well 4 sum reason it wont let me upload the pics....but the seedlings are doing extremely well under the MH light and in their new bigger pots:)

my main plant unfortunately isnt looking as good...sum of the top leaves are seeming to droop down a bit....any ideas why? will post a pic as soon as i figure out why it not letting me....