second grow: closet cfl/hps


Well-Known Member
hey man thanks for the constant support
i really appreciate it:hump:

your grow is going real well as well

but seriously anyone else checking this out please feel free to comment oorrrrr tell me im doing something wrong or w/e

im gonna go smoke this j now...


Well-Known Member
i just realized that im probably gonna have these in veg like two months... than means flower in September harvest in October or November... and a one month cure.... that means m first buds that i grew my self will be



Well-Known Member
i thought so but im thinking not so much any more... i guess i need to go get some more and make a fresh batch of soil for the repot...i need to go get them bigger pots as well


Well-Known Member
okay i performed the transplant surgery last night... i have to say im very happy with there root systems.... fucking beasts.....

hopefully a week from no theyll be back to there nice perky selves

now all there is to do is sit and wait and see what happens next...



Well-Known Member
beautiful? hellz no lol... they got real bad atleast the two bag seeds did... the runt is FLOURISHING

shes definately doing the best outta the 4 now followed by the other grape ape, then the topped bag seed then the regular bag seed

hopefully by the end of the week i will see some results

anyways picked up sum fox farm nutes... only paid for the big bloom the hydro shop guy gave me the rest for free


Well-Known Member
okay here we go... i nuted them with the grow big just a teaspoon in a gallon

the do seem to be coming back sumwhat but.... the one bagseed is just all bad i hope she can pull through i really do

heres your pics... remember the runt? yah check her out now shes the first two the other bagseed is the one tahts super droopy



Well-Known Member
omg what are ur temps like?
im glad they bounced back for you, hopefully its all uphill from here.

U know U dont necessarily need the HPS right now? it actually looks like its doin more bad than good.


Well-Known Member
here yinz go... and i know i dont necessarily need the hps but before they went all bad on me they really seemed to like it... and they responded BIG time to the nutes here they are 12 hours after i fed them doing MUCH BETTER

and the temps never go above 86 during the day and there right around 75 at night so those are in check

ph of the soil is 6.2 and the ph of the water is between 6 and 6.3



Well-Known Member
the tips &edges of ur leaves are screamin heat stress..

and please tell me thats not the only fan U have on ur plants

it looks like U have the same sun system economy HPS that I have, its really hard to find heat shields for em but if U can it'll probably work wonders for U.

either that or shut it off until Ur ready to flower bcuz I guarantee it gets closer to 100*F than U realize. right now I dont think U need the excess heat, but its ur call and I understand either way.


Well-Known Member
not the only fan.... what screams heat stress your the first person thats said anything about it

*edit* ahh that seemed mean after i read it

i would like to know trust me... and i definitely appreciate your input its just that i started a whole thread in problems forum and noone mentioned it... and the thermometer gauge is on the rim of the pot but i think im gonna take the hps off anyways for power consumption and further thinking on how much i dont need it right now


Well-Known Member
yah theyll do just fine without the hps for now... i guess i just kinda figured hey it cant hurt... but good look on that spittin you got me thinking on how much i really dont need it right now

anyways ill post pics tomorrow to show sum very nice progress no doubt


Well-Known Member
not the only fan.... what screams heat stress your the first person thats said anything about it

*edit* ahh that seemed mean after i read it

i would like to know trust me... and i definitely appreciate your input its just that i started a whole thread in problems forum and noone mentioned it... and the thermometer gauge is on the rim of the pot but i think im gonna take the hps off anyways for power consumption and further thinking on how much i dont need it right now
just tryina help :-)
the edges and leaf tips gave it away. it looks like its having a hard time transpiring. what is ur humidity like?

I can tell U from experience also that if U want to have the max CFL light intensity U should keep the lights no closer than 2" from the TOPS of the plants.

and if U want an even CFL light distribution then U shouldnt keep the lights any closer than 4" from the TOPS of the plants

and if possible, have a thermometer and a hygrometer placed in the middle, between the light and the tops of the plants to get a better idea of the air temps and humidity ur working with.