Second grow ever.


New Member
Hey this is some bag seed that popped out of the soil about 11 days ago. I want you guys to let me know how everything is going. I have it under a cfl 6500k. I think it burned it slightly because it was about 1.5 inches away from the bulb but I raised the light already. I am only using distilled and RO water. I have not used any nutes except one very diluted amount of super thrive. Ty guys please let me know if everything is good!



Well-Known Member
shes just a sprout, just water her and give some time! looks fine might put it a couple more inches away unless your having stretching problems...what soil is it in? ALOT of soils have food in them already, also how often are you watering....more you tell us the more we can help you :) keep it up!:joint:


New Member
Hey peace grower. I have them in red solo cups. The first inch is coco fiber. And the rest is Organic MG. I know it is not the best but i have some happy frog on its way.(should come in next week) I water when the top coco is completely dry. The temp during day is right under 80 and night temp is about 70-72. I had a pc fan on them but I removed it as I think it was drying them out tooo fast. TY for the fast comment!