Second Grow....First Using 400 watt HPS


Active Member
Ok so after much humming and hawing i ordereded the biobizz bloom formula,seemed the easiest to use,have i made the wrong decision? Should i have gone with Ionics........ach its all a learning curve. Ordered a ph meter and a humidity meter as i'm away to veg at least one of the femmed white widows once so that by the time its ready to go in i should nearly be harvesting this lot. Has anyone got any gossip,info about Barneys Farms seeds. Does anyone know if they're any good......thinkin about Doin an LSD grow.....please peeps i have so many questions and no one be answering...........Lonely,i am so lonely........


Active Member
Been busy packing man but I think I answered your questions in the pm's
You off on your Holidays man? Enjoy! And thanks again for answerin my many many que:peace:ries. My problem is i read too much,get conflicting info then pickle my own head trying to come up with my own answers.......As always compadre it's been good talkin to ya!


Well-Known Member
@cruzer...ur such a cool cricket...I remember u helped me out a while back.
@fragglepops...did u decide to grow a scrog?...and if u ever do that LSD grow I definitely have to see those would be a first in RIU history


Active Member
@fragglepops...did u decide to grow a scrog?...and if u ever do that LSD grow I definitely have to see those would be a first in RIU history
Nah i hadn't had time to research it properly before the ladies got too big,am defo gonna read up on it tho........what are the benefits cos i'm doin 2plants,3 at most at a time due to space and a paranoid bird! Next grow is femmed widow then the one after that will be whatever i choose to buy,looking at sensi blue cheese,lsd and skunk#1 at the mo. so much choice out there....kinda want to grow summat different than eveyone else......any suggestions?


Active Member
and if u ever do that LSD grow I definitely have to see those would be a first in RIU history
Really? no ones ever done an LSD grow on here? The seeds are in my price bracket so we'll see.........
barneys farm blue cheese is a nice strain. gta say tho my personal favorite currently is dutch passions blueberry. easy strain 2 maintain, good genetics and yields, in my humble opinion. plus no1 in my area grows it mainly just lemon haze n that gets a bit tired after a while. yeah biobizz is a good nute line. ive never used it personally but 2 peeps i no round my way used it on both of their last grows and the results were good. had a nice clean taste after curing aswell, none of that harsh none burning crap.some nutes like AN leave a build up of salts that, if not flushed well, can affect taste quality.
are the guys in ya local grow shop sayin that cfls produce higher yields than hps lighting?


Active Member
You will find all kinds of nutes on the market ,Myself i have chose Humbolt products , i have had good results from my 2 grows , they are so pricey i will use them again on this next grow , until i run out , hoping you have a good grow this time ,how many fans do you have blowing on the girls ? I dont see any ?? I have a 4x4x6 foot cabinet ,i have 3 fans blowing on my girls with 3 exhaust ports . Will keep coming back Happy Farming ,Cajun100_1313.jpg


Active Member
I've got one big ass 14 inch oscillating fan on them.......not any room for any more what with ducting and thr fact it has to be super stealth. You can hear the neighbours change their mind never mins another fan. I moved it for the pics! I know i could do with gettin more air moving but i gotta work with what i've got i guess. Heats not an issue at all and i'll find oiut about my humidity levels whenevr the feckin thing gets delivered...........jusat away to post more pics now, They ain't the best,my good camera is fucked and i don't have a macro settin on my phone.......


Active Member
some of the latest cam is buggered so these are just phone shots.....sorry! The one on the left(i think?,whichever one is in the tallest pot) was vegged naturally and the other one was wi 3 cfls. One spiral35 watt cfl above and 2 20 watts for side can so tell the difference,the nodes are much tighter on the cfl vegged one and the bud sites are appearing a lot closer together not to mention there's much more of them.



Active Member
It's only been 4 weeks since the 12/12 flip and i ain't used any nutes so far......get my 2 biobizz bloom nutes on saturday so will prob start at 1/4 strength and see how they tolerate it.....god i wish i was more patient......haha


Active Member
No i haven't topped em........well i kinda pinched the top bud off one of them but dunno if i've done it right.....time will tell i guess.........How's things with you?


Active Member
Got both nutes today.....Biobizz Bloom and Top Max gonna give the ladies a feed tommorow at abpout 1/4 strength to see how they react to it and alternate with water then feed etc..........what are the signs to look out for apart from nute burn andhow long would it take for the plant to show it being grown in soil? Also as i havent used nutes so far will it stress them or cause lockout at all? Heeeeeeeeeeelp purleeeeeze?


Active Member
yeah dats right, i was thinkin they were sayin it the other way round. hps defo the way forward. ya ladies lookin good mate, ya can c them praying. u done any topping on them?
I just noticed that i had 2 seperate cola's forming on the lankier of the 2 plants........weren't me so i asked the missus and it was her that did it and was scared to tell me........looks like it's worked tho......lots of pre flowers but no visible trichromes as of yet.........thinking i might throw in some cfls for side lighting too.......i'm not sure about this grow.........last time i had a really good feelin in my gut and i ALWAYS trust my gut feeling.........with this one i'm kinda feeling uneasy about it and can't shake the feeling that summats gonna fuck up.........paranoid? me? never!
sounds like ya mrs done good then mate. to prevent lock out just make sure to give them a nice dose of water in between ya feeds this will help to wash out any salt build ups that may occur. i wouldnt worry 2 much bout stressing the ladies as long as u introduce the nutes in a staggered process. i.e. go 1/4 strength for a week n c how they react. if they look like they like it n dont show any burn then kick it up to half strength. then if they good with that after a week go to 3/4 strength. i dont go over 3/4 strength though cus then the likely hood of lock out or nute burn increases. yeah cfls would be good 4 sidelighting and would help ya lower bud sites. i wouldnt worry 2 much mate, as long as u do what ur ment 2 and give the ladies what they need they should help themselves. every1 learns as they go and i dont know of any1 that would call themselves the perfect grower. from what ive seen ur doing good. how many weeks u in2 flower? peace


Well-Known Member
Those are some pretty tall girls for indoor. Keep in mind they will double in size once you flip to 12/12
Unfortunately topping should to be done in veg so now your options are low stress training or super cropping.


Active Member
sounds like ya mrs done good then mate. to prevent lock out just make sure to give them a nice dose of water in between ya feeds this will help to wash out any salt build ups that may occur. i wouldnt worry 2 much bout stressing the ladies as long as u introduce the nutes in a staggered process. i.e. go 1/4 strength for a week n c how they react. if they look like they like it n dont show any burn then kick it up to half strength. then if they good with that after a week go to 3/4 strength. i dont go over 3/4 strength though cus then the likely hood of lock out or nute burn increases. yeah cfls would be good 4 sidelighting and would help ya lower bud sites. i wouldnt worry 2 much mate, as long as u do what ur ment 2 and give the ladies what they need they should help themselves. every1 learns as they go and i dont know of any1 that would call themselves the perfect grower. from what ive seen ur doing good. how many weeks u in2 flower? peace
Just 3 weeks into 12/12.........getting concerned about the size of em now.......i really hope they've stopped stretching cos if they aint i'm gonna have to re jig my whole grow closet,they're both around a metere tall with the cfl vegged one being the smaller of the 2.......many many bud sites tho,keepin everythin crossed cause after spending all that dough on the cool tube,bulb,ballast etc i'd be gutted if this grow wasn't as succesful as my first. Strapping in and although an atheist i'm praying to god i get a good crop of decent gear. Just cracked the 2 widows and stuck em in the dirt to veg today and got a fair idea of what i'm gonna order for the next one so i'm hoping things go smooth. How's your girls?


Active Member
Those are some pretty tall girls for indoor. Keep in mind they will double in size once you flip to 12/12
Unfortunately topping should to be done in veg so now your options are low stress training or super cropping.
They're 3 weeks into 12/12 now cruze and i'm praying to a god i don't even believe in that they have stopped stretching now.........otherwise a complete re jig is gonna be needed of my grow cupboard.........