second grow flash seeds


Well-Known Member
2010-12-27_09.55.13.jpg2010-12-28_15.46.54.jpg2010-12-28_15.47.00.jpg2010-12-28_15.42.29.jpgToday i looked and the santa is a female super happy but i do have bad news i was on nirvana site today to buy soil tabs and i looked at the reviews and seen soil tabs arent good for autos postpone flowering so im pissed rite now nirvana say i could have used half a flower tab the whole grow so if they dont show sex in by end of week ill switch to 12/12 im pissed but i know next time so hope all goes well i really hope i get lucky


Active Member
Gutted man hope all works out fine for ya, Still on the bright side if the santas auto flowered then maybe the others will. I would wait until there 3 - 4 wks old before you think about changing the light, because you could stress the santa out and you dont want that, could hermmie on you..
If it does that you can say goodbye to dank weed and hello to all seed...(been there):evil:


Well-Known Member
your rite i will just wait and see what happens the santa did show sex so i hope i get lucky if all fail at least the santa will give me something i guess you live an you learn i got two more auto i can grow so i smoked an thought about it they didnt say they wouldnt flower it prolongs flowering im worried they might hermie


hey adidas, nice grow. I just ordered 10 from flash myself, the jet 47s to be exact. I was curious, did you germinate them first, or just put them in the soil and water? This is my first real grow endeavor (that didnt come from bagseed) so i am really thirsty for any info you have regarding the jet 47, and really any of your plants from flash. Also, when did you first see signs of sex? I got 10 standard seeds because I just couldnt justify paying twice as much for half as many seeds, even if theyre fems. So anyways, sorry for going on and on. thanks, and once again, nice work.


Well-Known Member
hey adidas, nice grow. I just ordered 10 from flash myself, the jet 47s to be exact. I was curious, did you germinate them first, or just put them in the soil and water? This is my first real grow endeavor (that didnt come from bagseed) so i am really thirsty for any info you have regarding the jet 47, and really any of your plants from flash. Also, when did you first see signs of sex? I got 10 standard seeds because I just couldnt justify paying twice as much for half as many seeds, even if theyre fems. So anyways, sorry for going on and on. thanks, and once again, nice work.
whats up beauchamp89, i germed in moist paper towel for 18-24 hours they popped i put them in 1.5 gallon pot i didnt want to have any transplant shock since their autos the jet grows fast its bushy it hasnt showed sex yet the santa is female showed in 22 days the speedy hasnt either any day now


Well-Known Member
i was skeptable about those tabs,but they seem to work well.i know you've had a problem because your growing auto's,but your plants do look healthy.


Well-Known Member
i was skeptable about those tabs,but they seem to work well.i know you've had a problem because your growing auto's,but your plants do look healthy.
honestly, i would use again i dug deeper and you can use cut the tab in 4 equal parts and use one per plant the flower tabs can be used the entire grow half the tab so its cool i know what to do next time the plants are very healthy .


Well-Known Member
2010-12-28_15.46.54.jpg2010-12-29_07.37.35.jpg2010-12-29_07.36.51.jpg2010-12-29_07.40.20.jpgwell today i checked the speedy g and the bastard is a male heres some pics ill be chopping in the next day or so ill be adding a half flower tab to the santa today with watering the jet 47 hasnt showed yet so well see what happens next


Active Member
Bad luck on the speedy,hopefuly the jet47 will come up trumps for ya...Im at that stage with the speedy my self as they are 19 days old now..Gotta keep a close eye on them as they are in with the santa lol...
out of the 6, got me fingers crossed for at least a 50% ratio. ill post some pics soon..


Well-Known Member
yeah ill get the speedy out and im germing one now it should pop in 18 hours and ill use half a flower tab the entire grow so that will be interesting ill keep going i want a steady grow of autos at least the santa is female jet 47 is the one im waiting on so its ok


bummer about the speedy bro. its always a bit of a headache when all that anticipation goes to waste, however have you perhaps thought about crossing the strains? could come up with something magical...


Well-Known Member
2010-12-29_07.40.20.jpg2010-12-30_17.25.28.jpg2010-12-30_17.25.24.jpg2010-12-30_17.25.38.jpgwhats up everyone i got good news upon further inspection it is confirmed the speedy is a female i got up to snatch her out i looked under the lights and i seen them the pre flowers so im soo happy so thats two females the speedy g and the santa are ladies i had to change the cab around because i germed another bean so its a new addition to the family im glad to have double checked thats gonna be four in the cab i also added a clf in the cab will add one more soon


Well-Known Member
2010-12-31_19.59.57.jpg2010-12-30_17.25.38.jpgHappy new year everyone just another update they are doing well very healthy the speedy g has a skunk smell in the cab its great she has pre flowers everywhere the jet 47 is the last one to show sex the little santa is getting bigger i have a bean germed it will be down soon .


Active Member
Adidas have you ordered any new seeds yet?. Just ordered my next batch..Ive gone for a mixed batch. GreenHouse Seeds - Green-o-matic...Budha Seeds - White Dwarf...Dutch Passion-Tundra...
Barneys Farm - Flower Power...Kannabia Seeds - Big Band...Dont need them for a few weeks but its nice to have them to hand when you need them....


Well-Known Member
Adidas have you ordered any new seeds yet?. Just ordered my next batch..Ive gone for a mixed batch. GreenHouse Seeds - Green-o-matic...Budha Seeds - White Dwarf...Dutch Passion-Tundra...
Barneys Farm - Flower Power...Kannabia Seeds - Big Band...Dont need them for a few weeks but its nice to have them to hand when you need them....
Whats up neilw3600 i did i also got mixed batch all fems this time i got lowlife auto blueberry,short stuff himalaya blue diesel,green house green-o-matic,and kannabia gnomo auto oh one more short stuff russian rocket fuel im going to do three or four autos at a time dont know witch ones im going to do besides the auto blueberry


Active Member
Whats up neilw3600 i did i also got mixed batch all fems this time i got lowlife auto blueberry,short stuff himalaya blue diesel,green house green-o-matic,and kannabia gnomo auto oh one more short stuff russian rocket fuel im going to do three or four autos at a time dont know witch ones im going to do besides the auto blueberry
Ive pretty much gone for 1 main strain really because ive got 6 white dwarf seeds as they was on offer. gotta love this strain white widdow & white russian NICE.then its 1 of each other, also all fems..


Active Member
week 7+ 001.jpgUpdate on the speedy G pretty sure i got a male hes got his balls out. no sign on others so hopeful...

His Got Balls.week 7+ 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
Damn its a male my speedy turned out to be female i got lucky i have two females so far but the jet still hasnt shown yet i want to try all the auto strains i can ill post pic sin a few mins


Well-Known Member
2010-12-31_19.59.57.jpg2011-01-01_19.19.14.jpg2011-01-01_19.21.41.jpgthe santa and jet 47 are 25 days old today the speedy g is 18 days old the one to the left is speedy g the smallest is santa the middle is jet 47