Second grow Ladyburn, Critical #47, Bubbleicious

This is our second grow, wish us luck!

14X15 grow room. Its a bedroom... Windows are completely covered and sealed. Have a air conditioner window unit circulating the air and keeping the room at needed temperature. Also can afford nice reflectors so we removed the cheap reflector and hung mylar above it in order to work as our reflector.

Dome for seedlings
Heating mat for dome
23w florescent bulb for seedlings
1000w metal halide for veg
1000w sodium vap for flowering
1 gallon homer buckets with 6" net pots
air pump
25' Mylar

Medium and Nutrients:
peat moss pucks
Technaflora recipe for success starter kit
Via stone clay rocks
Distilled gallon jugs of water

1 Critical #47 (feminized)
4 Ladyburn (feminized)
1 Bubbleicious (feminized)

Started germinating seeds using the paper towel method.

04/18/12 TODAY
Seeds are still germinating.

Future Plans! (Please reply with anything that we are/have plans to do in the future if we are wrong)

Put seeds in plastic tiny mouth rinse cup. We soaked the pucks and removed the peat moss and put it in cups so the soil wouldn't be compacted like they are in the cups. We tried a little nothing grow and failed at start and I think it was hard for the seeds to root in the actual pucks. All seeds were planted root down with 2cm dirt over the top of the seed. From there they went into the dome and in the cabinet in the dark with a heating mat under the dome with a towel between the heat mat and the plastic dome.

Took plants out of dome and under 23w florescent bulb. We have been running the florescent bulb 18/6.

Once plants have 3-4 sets of leaves and are around 6" tall then we will transplant them into the clay rocks in the 6" net pods in the 1 gallon buckets (bubble buckets). The air lines are ran into the bottom of the buckets individually with holes poked into the hose to let air out, sorry we ran out of capitol and can't afford air stones. Once transpalted we flip on the metal halide, start them with veg mix of the nutrients and start them off with only 1/4-1/2 of what the mix is and work way up in 2 weeks to what the papers say the proper mixture to water ratio is. Run metal halide 18/6. 1 week into metal halide top off node. Veg period 27 days/ Flowering period 38days. When flowering comes in just change the bulb out with the Sodium Vapor and use the flowering combination of nutrients. When buds are foggy white its time to take them down and dry.

If any of this is wrong or anything please let me know. This is what we've put together based on research that we have done and pretty sure its close to what we should do but we are no experts by no means. I do have a silly question. Does the air pump need to constantly stay running or should it go off anytime? How often should we change out the water in the buckets? We will start putting up pics in a few weeks and keep it up to date from there on.
