second Grow! looking much better


For those of you who followed my last grow, you know that it didn't turn out very well. I got 10 grams total from 2 afghan kush ryders. I decided to invest a little more money and I made some changes to my grow box:

(taken 3 weeks ago)

Today is day 22 of this grow and I think they look great! The First picture is afghan kush ryder and the second is Easy ryder. I have been feeding them fox farm's grow big and next week I plan on giving them some FH bloom nutes. My autos have 260 watts of CFL's over them.




here are some updated pictures.. they both have started to flower

afghan is on the left and easy ryder is on the right



Hey guys, today is day 35 and they are looking amazing. I did have one accident though, I was away for the weekend and I came home to find that both plants were growing through the spirals on my CFLs, it didn't do much damage, but there were burnt spots on a few of the leaves. Nothing serious though.

here is what she looks like today: