second grow. Low budget marvels.


wussup guys im a cardholder and i do this for the love. so heres the setup. 300w CFL for veg and 250w HPS for flowering. got a 6inch vortex fan wit filter. its a closet experiment ive been trying out. well, i am currently running with Apollo 13 reg seed, Dj Short's Blueberry reg seed, Il Diavolo fem seed, and Dj Short's Blue moonshine fem seed.



1st pic. top left is the Apollo 13, top right is blueberry, bottom left is Il diavolo, bottom right is blue moonshine.
2nd pic. these are a week ahead of the bottom two.
3rd pic. the bottom two are one apollo 13 and one blueberry hopefully i get a female.


tyty, on my first grow i was using technaflora nuits now i switched to GH. anyone kno how and when to use the black Diamond from GH?


i just took a look at my babies and found out one of the Blueberry started to show signs of a male with dangling balls. so i chopped it and replaced it with the other blueberry i germed. hopefully it turns out female. when can i tell the sex. this is my first time with seeds. i would normally get clones. help plz.