Second grow! Need expert opinion will this setup succeed???? how do i water seedlings


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My grow room is a walk in closet 7 feet long 5 feet wide 8 feet tall with a block fan venting air up into the attic and another blowing fresh air into the room. I have two shelves 5'7'' off the ground in an L shape connecting with eachother one shelf is about 5 feet long the other is 7 feet. the shelves have about 2'5'' feet of grow room.

on my floor is a Flowering chamber from homegrown hydroponics it uses a 32 plant DWC system and a 600w HPS.

I plan on creating a Vegetative/Mother shelf and a Cloning shelf. The shelves will have a black vinyl curtain with velcrow to stop light leaks. The walls and inner side of the curtain will be covered in spaceblanket. Ive ordered a 6 bulb Teklight T5 for the vegetative/mother shelf, and i have two shoplights for the cloning shelf.

I want my Vegging plants in the exact same sized 32 plant DWC setup that is in my flowering chamber so i dont have to transplant. and my Mothers in a similar DWC setup. with hydroton as the medium.

My first grow was a complete failure. i ordered a pack of 10 seeds of Chronic from serious seeds, all 10 germinated great (paper towel in two plates) once germinated i placed them in rockwool cubes that had been presoaked in PH 5.3 purified water for about a day the cubes were placed in a upside down clear sterilight container bought from walmart and 4 florescent 5$ storebought bulbs were placed almost right next to the dome.
i left it alone for about a day and the plants were doing great i then took the dome off and decided to water them i watered them about twice too three times a day with no where for the water to drain to "possibly overwatered" later that day i decided they needed more airflow and put a oscilating fan on them and took the dome completely off. the next day 1 plant had fallen over and the others seemed stunted from then on my babies only got worse. all my efforts only made things worse. i decided to get new seeds and start over.
I have a pack of 10 Chemdog Double D that will arrive soon. What i will be doing differently in my new grow is instead of hand watering from the start i will simply place the seeds in the soaked cubes and place the cubes on a felt cloth that has been soaked in ph 5.3 water and add the dome checking it a few times a day there are high levels of water beads to be whiped up. After about 3 days of the dome being on i will let more air to the plants by keeping one side of the dome open i will do this for about 5 days. if they are thriving and healthy by day 8 i will remove the dome.

Once the 10 are strong enough to take clones off of i will clone each of them and flower out the clones to decide what seedling will become my chemdog double d mother

THATS MY PLAN my only problem is i dont have a reliable way to keep the Seedlings rockwool perfectly watered. Any help from the masters or ideas would be very much appreciated


Active Member
I Also forgot to include that i want to add a nutramist foggers to my 3 seperate DWC systems i see an inexpensive Single Teflon Head nutramist fogger for 25$ are they worth buying? would they provide enough mist for a 32 plant SOG setup? i know nothing about nutramist foggers please tell me if these are worth buying


Active Member
well if ur wartering 3 times a day its too much keep the 600w 50 to 60 cm away from the dome get a mister to spry the rookwool every 12 hours or so till they take root remove the dome after u see some roots ans replant into biger rockwool cube sounds like u have over wartered them but u learn quickly luckey it happened at the start not when they were 3ft try the plastic square the cubes come in to let the water drain off u need dranage for seedlings too esp while rooting.